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How old is sheffield?

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According to Wikipedia:


The area that is now the City of Sheffield has been occupied since at least the last ice age, but the settlements that grew to form Sheffield date from the second half of the 1st millennium, and are of Anglo-Saxon and Danish origin.


It became a city in 1893.

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Does a town becaome a City when it has a Cathedral, or is it the other way around ?


That's generally thought to be the case, but actually, Sheffield became a city in 1893-ish, but the "Parish Church of Paints Peter and Paul" did not get Cathedral status till about 1903/1906 (don't quote me as gospel, on that, but I know it was about 10 yrs or so after)

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There is some evidence that parts of derbyshire had human life before the last ice age. Some human remains were found and they were thought to be 50000 years old.

There are a few roman remains around Sheffield and neolithic sites like winkobank hill fort.

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