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The Leadmill - Your opinions?


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Originally posted by tinajones



* Not what it used to be - now an rnb/indie top40 mish mash everynight - there used to be clear cut themed nights like La Videotach (80's) on a Weds, The Beat club (60's night) on Thurs, Rise (House/Dance music) on a Friday and Step on on Sats (Indie).


Sat nights still have their own identity but rest of the week does now seem very charty.

Think it a shame Aqua is not taking off. Went to Hot pants there the other week and it was deserted. Sheffield needs to keep clubs where you can have a laugh and avoid the Kingdom lot.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Nice forum, just found it while recovering from a post-leadmill night... first for a while.


Place has gone downhill unfortunately but I can't help thinking would be a good time to start promoting it again. Agree about the bouncers in last 2 years.


Hardly anywhere those of us who just want a fun night out without dressing up and with decent (indie!) music can go.


Could do with a bit of sprucing up but don't make it all bright like every other flipping club and bar.


Also agree that the music has got too much of a mish mash - promote a big 80's night, a big 90's night [both with decent music not just the rubbish], and build Saturday's up again. Add a good non-cheesy dance night and student night and there you go. Maybe even a 70s night, tho can't stand it myself!


Surely not everyone out there just wants cheesy dance or kingdom rubbish...


Or am I on my own and just stuck in the 90's!??!


Right, who wants to go to leadmill this week and request a guest listing so we can be shown how good it really is... ;)

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I keep forgetting how terrible the leadmill is then I go back and instantly get reminded.


For instance, drinks are cheap on a week night, but if you go to a gig and pay ten quid they know they’ve got you trapped…so its something like £2.50 for ****e lager in a plastic glass. And the bottles…I've been in the cellar. And seen it when its flooded….dont touch them.


I wouldnt eat there either. I remember the kitchen staff catching a rat under a bucket one sat night…as food was getting made. Grim.


The Leadmill was a co-operative…now its just about profit and its awful.


And the music…man. Andy who dj's on a Sat night has an amazing record collection…but he's not allowed to use and has to stick to the indie by numbers disco which is drab, predictable, mainstream and downright boring.


As to the bouncers. I went a good while back with a few mates when Evan Dando played. There was a really drunk girl who kept pushing into us etc. who then had the nerve to go up to a bouncer and say my mate had grabbed her breasts! He grabbed my mate and slung him outside, no questions asked, when it was plain to see we were just standing there stone cold sober and this girl could hardly stand up. W@ankers.


...oh and that guy rupert...hahahhaa...give me a break

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Yep, same thing.....bouncers. They need a good slap. I went down with a group of work mates. They decided to not let in one of the guys in my group, claiming he was drunk. He had had a few like we all had because you generally do go for a few drinks prior to clubbing. He wasn't falling over, slurring speach or causing any trouble whatsoever. The bouncers were just being w*****s. We were a group of professional workers with money to spend and at an average age of 30, quite sensible really. We all left, as we weren't going to go in without him and went to the cashbar and had a really good night.


So message to the Leadmill....learn to run a business. You lost custom that night which the cashbar gained, and none of us have bothered to go back to the leadmill since so you've lost long term business. I would seriously consider having a talk to your bouncers before their ego **** behaviour drives away everyone.

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I'm really saddened by this thread - in the early/mid 90s the Leadmill was THE place to go for a great night out in Sheffield.


It always featured in the Top 3 UK venues of the year in the NME.


I LOVED the place, and enjoyed a couple of my favourite-ever gigs there (Marion, and the Manics). And was priviledged to be present at a rare-as-gold-dust performance by Peter Perrett, formerly of the Only Ones.


Let's hope something can be done to restore the venue to its former glories - it was a club that Sheffielders could be proud of and boast about to anyone in the UK!



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Friday nights just wouldn't be the same if the Leadmill were to become like every other up its own arse place in the city. Where else (except Corp) can you go wearing whatever you happened to be wearing when you accidentally got drunk on rose wine and have a cracking time? Never seen any trouble in there, although did meet a queue based knobhead once (who did get let in by the bouncers, oddly enough, despite having threatened to punch me (and i'm a girl)). Quite often we don't even mean to go, it's just a reflex reaction when we get in the taxi. Seemingly all roads do lead to the Leadmill, who knew??

Do feel a bit sad sometimes when we recognise people purely on the basis of going to the leadmill every friday, and realise that perhaps people think that about us as well. Case in point: does anyone else ALWAYS see the very tall grumpy looking man near the DJ booth? He's always there, but then i suppose, so are we. Hmmmm.

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Thanks for all your replies to my original questions. It's been interesting, if not that surprising, to see how varied people's views are on the place.


Anyway, while this has been going on, I've been running some focus group discussions down at the Leadmill for people to give their opinions. The people taking part up to now have all been from the Leadmill's mailing list. Tonight I'm holding the last one, focussing on people who visit any of the club nights (starts 8.45pm). I'm a couple of places under strength, so I was wondering if any of you would like to take part.


If so, please pm me, telling me what nights you tend to visit the Leadmill, how often, how long for etc. and I'll give you the details.





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It depends what it is you're trying to find out. It's a dissertation into users of the Leadmill and how they perceive the way the club is run, what its branding means to them and how it has changed. You have to find an interested sample from somewhere.


Not all the people on the list are there every week and going to the same nights. Part of the aim is to find the difference between people who visit the club on its different club nights and gigs. People who go on a Saturday night tend to be looking for something very different to those who go on a Tuesday.


I'm not sure Gareth Gates has become diverse enough in his offering for this comparison. Not yet anyway.

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