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The Leadmill - Your opinions?


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  • 5 months later...









Originally posted by joey007

Hi all,


I'm new to Sheffield and happened to hear a demo from a Sheffield Singer which my friend gave to me. The demo was called 'She Got Soul' and was by someone called Paul / Pete Fletcher?


Does anybody know of who this guy is, as this ep was wicked and chilled.


I was wondering whether he had plaed at the Leadmill, or anywhere around Sheffield?


Hope that someone can help!!!??


Pretty please, I need more!


Em's x

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Ah....the Leadmill. Actually have very fond memories of it as I was lucky enough to DJ there on Wednesdays for around 2 and a half years in the mid 90's......the pre Planet Earth 80s night. I used to love working there and generally it was a friendly place and the bouncers seemed fine. Of course, being a paying customer is a whole different experience and you notice all kinds of things someone who works there might not.


But yes the nights there some years back were far more focused and all very different. Wednesdays and Thursdays for example, one 80's night, and the other 60's/70's, were totally contrasting events. Same with the old Saturday night and Fridays, all very different.


but then, the very market base of customers is by the very nature of the market, going to stimulate change and development of any clubnights. New student intakes, generations getting older and stopping clubbing, etc, etc, everything has to change in accordance with the market base or the perceived culture of the changing market base.

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The leadmill is fantastic, people of sheffield should embrace it. It is the hacienda of sheffield a true indie mecca, the reason i moved to sheffield in the first place. Saturday nights are what its all about, nobody cares what the club looks like, weather you stick to the floor or weather its smirnoff or romanoff vodka behind the bar.


It has never tried to be cool it just is, not in a new york kind of cool but a Sheffield cool. Although the other weeknight arrangments are a not taken into consideration here, nor should they, it is the gig bus outside the venue on the every saturday morning, the list of bands on the posters outside and most importantly the music lovers who go there every week without fail, it doesnt want a dress code like kingodm, nor a vip list like bed. Everyone is equal and the fact it is its a part of sheffields great musical history.

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Originally posted by Geordiecarl

The leadmill is fantastic, people of sheffield should embrace it. It is the hacienda of sheffield a true indie mecca, the reason i moved to sheffield in the first place. Saturday nights are what its all about, nobody cares what the club looks like, weather you stick to the floor or weather its smirnoff or romanoff vodka behind the bar.


It has never tried to be cool it just is, not in a new york kind of cool but a Sheffield cool. Although the other weeknight arrangments are a not taken into consideration here, nor should they, it is the gig bus outside the venue on the every saturday morning, the list of bands on the posters outside and most importantly the music lovers who go there every week without fail, it doesnt want a dress code like kingodm, nor a vip list like bed. Everyone is equal and the fact it is its a part of sheffields great musical history.


I agree it has always been a beacon of sheffield's great night life but it seems the bouncers are ruining it for many people

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depends on the night. It's cheaper than most other clubs. Used to have a good Hip Hop/ RnB night on a thursday but not been for a while so don't know if they still do. Saturdays are ****e. All they play is rock/inie and it's full of nobheads with long hair and weird sideburns

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  • 1 year later...

the mill is a good place- went last thursday it was a good night- then again like all uva nights it depends who ur out wiv. me and 3 lasses all single so we had A BLAST!!! its a mix of indi/ old skool anthems/ r'nb/ current dance on thursdays so a bag of pic n mix tunes to please everyone!! the beer is ****ing foul but we were tanked b4 hand s'all gud :)

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