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Discount sport supplements

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after the success of a sport supplement business in loughborough i am considering branching out to sheffield.


Basically i offer creatine, protein, immune support, energy drink etc. at discount price (about 30-40% off RRP)


would there be much interest in sheffield?

are there many people here that would use this service?


please leave replies so i can get a good indication of business opportunities



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thanks for your replies guys, i will be setting up in the near future and will let all konw when up and running. My main product range will be from EAS, which can be found at EAS-uk.com.


these are officially the world leaders in sports supplements (yes more so than maximslce etc.) and having tried them myself highly recommend

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Good luck with your venture; personally I like maximuscle, though they are a little expensive - but good quality.


As a potential customer, I would ask though; how/why/by what measurement (and by which standards) are EAS 'officially' the world's best supplements? That's the sort of question you will get asked when you make those claims.


And I'm interested, genuinely.


Good luck with your business,



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Discount supplements:


my website is now online hughesperformance.co.uk, for all sports people interested in supplements please visit to see the highest quality products at great prices - creatine, protein, fat burenrs and much more....


any q's please drop me a mail via the site


thanks guys - will keep posted with new products / special offers

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