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Canceling my gym subscription at Greens - advice needed


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I am currently a member of Greens in Sheffield.


I originally signed up for 12 months which I completed. They then tried to tie me into a further 12 months which I refused. So they charge me more on a monthly basis (I think £48 per month) but the deal is that I can cancel my subscription so long as I give 30 days notice.


I now want to cancel my subscription because quite simply I am sick of fighting / queuing for equipment in the free weights section.


Now I've been told that I HAVE to attend a cancellation interview?? (I guess this is where they try and persuade you to stay!) .


Do I have to legally attend such an interview? Can't I simply post them a letter explaining that I will be canceling my subscription - end of?

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I'd just cancel the direct debit and tell them you are cancelling your membership. Trust me, they may try to hassle you a little, but they aren't going to take any action over 1 months gym membership - it isn't worth the cost to them, or the bad publicity it would generate.



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A letter should be sufficient, dated.


A cancellation interview serves 2 purposes. They want to know why you are leaving, for their feedback. They also want an opportunity to make you change your mind. No court in the land is going to insist that you go through this.


If you have any problems PM me.

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i would'nt just cancel your membership and leave i tried they almost got debt collectors in lol..You do NOT need to have any chat with them or interview just go in to the front desk of greens like i did and as to cancel...you will have to pay one more months then u can leave ..they give u a quick questionairre to fill out why u leaving.. Peace

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im gonna be cancelling my membership there soon, they are trying to charge me £25 for a new fob- what a rip off!!! been there 3 years without missing 1 payment and they won't budge!


plus they have put up the cost of my membership without telling me for 2 years in a row!!!

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I cancelled mine. All I did was write a dated letter a month before I left and told them that I was off. They arranged a chat, I went, they tried, I left, end of.


Good luck, but if you want to leave then make sure that is what you do!

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I am currently a member of Greens in Sheffield.


I originally signed up for 12 months which I completed. They then tried to tie me into a further 12 months which I refused. So they charge me more on a monthly basis (I think £48 per month) but the deal is that I can cancel my subscription so long as I give 30 days notice.


I now want to cancel my subscription because quite simply I am sick of fighting / queuing for equipment in the free weights section.


Now I've been told that I HAVE to attend a cancellation interview?? (I guess this is where they try and persuade you to stay!) .


Do I have to legally attend such an interview? Can't I simply post them a letter explaining that I will be canceling my subscription - end of?


I had a similar membership at Virgin (£40 pcm instead of £45) and they rolled the 12 month contract over to another year. This was in the small print but I didnn't realise and wasn't advised of this. When I moved house 4 mnths into the 2nd year I wanted to cancel my membership as I had moved out of the city. They refused to let me do a straightforward cancellation and threatened me with legal action if I didn't pay for the remaining months.


I refused to pay because I couldn't use the gym. They went on about the small print in the contract and sent threatening letters for a few weeks. I offered to pay the difference between the monthly payments without a contract for those 4 months.


In the end I never heard from them again. I don't know whether this has been written off or what. My thoughts are that the rolling 12 month contract is unlawful, that's why they didn't persue the payment. However I'm not certain of this.


Now that I've moved back to SHeffield - I wont be returning to Virgin. If they had a treated me fairly then I would have considered re-joining.

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