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Friday Night in the Aunt Sally Pub


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It's absolute dross in every respect. You can guess what it's going to be like just from looking at the sign.


But it's so close to the Hallamshire Hospital it can serve up any old rubbish and still make money as there are loads of potential customers passing nearby. So if they have a bad experience and never visit again it's not much of a problem.

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There's actually a simple way of avoiding pubs like this. Each one has a sign on the outside which says something like 'Buy one meal, get the second for half price', or 'Two meals for £5', words to that extent.


agreed - avoid all two for a fiver or bogof meal places - if they can do the food that cheap it must be low grade, frozen, microwaved and revolting.

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There's actually a simple way of avoiding pubs like this. Each one has a sign on the outside which says something like 'Buy one meal, get the second for half price', or 'Two meals for £5', words to that extent.


agreed - avoid all two for a fiver or bogof meal places - if they can do the food that cheap it must be low grade, frozen, microwaved and revolting.

I agree too! Aunt Sally is just another of the 'plastic pubs' with a false atmosphere and crap food.

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Yes, and bad service ... it's a shame - I remember it used to (years ago) be quite a nice place to go on a summer weekend afternoon. There are hardly any decent pubs that do decent REAL food any more. They're all Ember Inn types with the same food in every one - microwaved horrible stuff. Grrrrrr :rant:

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  • 3 months later...

I don't know why I do it to myself. It's next door to work so we frequent it quite often, mainly for a quick drink but occasionally for food. If you arrive after 12.30 at lunchtime in the week, forget being served in less than an hour. Don't ever go there if you're on a time limit.


A few weeks ago, boyf and a friend and I, plus friend's little one, went for tea. Waited best part of an hour, although we weren't in any rush and were busy chatting. However, I had to return 2 of my drinks (vodka and diet coke) as it was actually pernod and diet coke. Bizarrely, it came out of a Smirnoff bottle.


Today, the boyf and I went out for lunch. Off the top of my head and because it's not far, I suggested it. Stupid, I know. We were told 30-minute wait, so set ourselves up for at least an hour. Again, in no rush so not overly concerned. The bay-windowed area filled up around us so we all ordered at roughly the same time. We waited just about an hour. Only one woman was running around like a nutter apologising and giving out complimentary drinks. By the time we left, in fairness after a good hot meal, they were advising people that it was up to a 90-minute wait for food before they even ordered.


It's not brain surgery, they just don't have enough staff at peak times which, for a pub that serves all day, is all the time :rant:

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Aunt Sally's is a total and utter "hole".


I have been there three times, and each time the food and service was awful.


I have refused to go back to that place since the dreadful meal my ex and I had in there, back in October 2004.


The meal was dire, and took forever to arrive.


My ex asked for the steak in his mixed grill "rare". It, like the rest of the charred remains that passed for food there, could not have been more "cremated" if it had been under a nuclear bomb blast.


My Granddaughter's meal was "chicken" :roll: "nuggets":roll: with chips and spaghetti. when it came, the "chicken" "nuggets" were so hard, (presumably they'd been microwaved for a couple of ours before our visit...?) that my ex could not cut into them with his steak-knife.


As the veggy selection was so poor, I had ordered fish, reluctantly, for my main course. When it arrived, it, too was burnt to a crisp.


Out of the kite-shaped piece of "fish" in batter, there was a small section of the "fish" flesh, which was "almost" edible, measuring about an inch in width, by about 2 inches in length, the rest of it was burnt, to a glassy clear rock-hard consistency.


When we pointed out the non-edible state of our food to a staff member, the response we got from him was a shrug, and a mumbled "Yeah ...?...and......???"


This was a Sunday, so we phoned the parent company immediately we could, the next morning, and complained.


The woman in Stoke who took the call was absolutely flabbergasted that the staff had been as bad as they had been. "You mean they didn't offer you a refund???? or even a complimentary dessert? Good grief! that's appalling!"


We recieved a few days later, a voucher for a free meal. Unfortunately, it was for use at Aunt Sally's. :roll: :roll: so I telephoned the company again, explaining that there was no way on earth we'd go back there, ever after our experience.


We arranged that we would send that voucher back by return of post, and they'd send us another voucher to the same value, to be used at Chequers, at Coal Aston. (Another gastropub in the 2-4-1 chain) A place where we had eaten in the past, and had been subjected to much better food and staff attitudes.

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