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Silverdale Secondary Modern School

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Yep I was there at that time do you remember the infamous Dundee biscuit mobbing incidet when one of the biscuit sellers got knocked over in the playground and there were free biscuits for all lol.


I remember mr Hardy was quite a serious teacher if i remember rightly.


Other teachers i remember were cousins pape beeley shooter dept head strictland smith builiden c10 lol lea jordan marsh newton and baggy (mr horn)


my form teachers were baggy,jordan,builidon.


I lived on Alms hill at the time.


We used to play closest to the wall where u would roll coins towards a wall and who ever got closest kept the money :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just had a look at this thread as I used to go to Silverdale, but earlier. I left in 1971 but was interested to see which teachers were still there. I was in Mr Horn's (Baggy/Honk/et al) form. We regularly used to fall out. On one occassion I poured weed killer over his plant cuttings on the window ledge. Not a very nice thing to do as he did these to raise money for the RSPCA I think. It seemed OK at the time because he had wound me up so much. Word got around and someone grassed me up so, needless to say, I was in big trouble. He wanted to cane me but I wasn't having any of that and I stormed out of the school. Having had a few days off playing truant he sent word to me via some friends that if I came back nothing would be said. He went up in my estimation a bit for that.


On another occassion I turned his 'passwords' to the back of the board. You know, one of those boards on rollers (don't know if they were still in use during your time). Anyway, I chucked loads of things up so they wedged at the top. When he pulled on the board to get the passwords to the front, all this gear spilled out from the top and landed at his feet. There was the board rubber, a plastic cup, some yoghurt pots and the board compasses. The whole prank worked really well. Hope I didn't deter him from teaching passwords to you lot.


Although I thought how stupid these passwords were at the time, I now believe them to be very useful and can remember loads of them. Sometimes we would spread the word that no-one in the class should answer when he asked for the definition to one of them, especially if it was French next with Mr Firth (Fritz). They had classrooms next to each other and it was no secret that they disliked each other. Several times Fritz came round to see why we were so late for his class.


Ah, happy memories!!!!!!:D


I occassionally see Baggy in the area where I live - in fact the last time was four days ago.


Incidentally, the yoghurt pots mentioned above were what he used to grow his cuttings in. Pupils would take them into him from home in return for house points (1 yoghurt pot = 1 house point).

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  • 5 months later...
Anyone attend Silverdale School from 62 - 67


remember any teachers like:


Mr Wastnage, or Mr Beeley


Yeah, I remember them - along with names like Shooter, Biggins, Horn, Firth, Lee etc. Bit behind you though - '66 when I got there.


Cheers, Jass

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  • 2 months later...
Good old Pinhead and that little red biscuit tin she had - someone put it on bricks once!!


Used to be in Mr Wainwright's form - there was always a Monday discussion on Wednesday's performance - you had to like footie if you were in his form!


Pinhead retired about 4 years ago, i think teaching finally cracked her after getting attacked by a cardboard sheep..

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Gosh, just thinking back about the teachers that were then when I was(n't)!

Mr Law- C1 (music)

Mr Lee,-C2 (maths)

Mr Hardy-C3 (maths)

Mr Brown-C4 (R.E)

Mrs Gregory C5 (History)

cant remember C6-C9!

Mr Jordan -C10 (detention)

B1 big tall bloke, taught Physics!

Mr Beeley-B2- English

Mrs Hill, Mrs Crowther- B3 English

cant remember who taught in B4/B5!

B6 was Miss Wilson, aka Pinhead-Geography

Mrs Powell-B7 AND B8- Languages

Mr Lawrence-(David Bellamy look-a-like) -Languages


Mrs "Bulldog" Bullidon- B10 English for the thicko's !!

Mrs Duszanskyj taught English in the Library

Mr Winfield (deceased) and Mrs Wigmore taught Art

Mr Marsh-Woodwork

Mr ('Tashy) Tarry- Technical Drawing- god only knows what you call it these days!!-I HATED THIS LESSON, 2 DOUBLE PERIODS MONDAY AFTERNOON!! :gag: :gag: :(

Mr Davenport - Metal work

Mrs Thorpe- Home Economics in A2 I think.

Miss Hirst :love: :love: Chemistry

Mrs Glew -Biology

The headmaster/deputy heads were:

Mr Smith,

Mr Shooter- (deceased)- lovely old bloke he was.

Miss Strickland- now she was scary

and Mr Sanderson- Headmaster.

All from 1981/2/3 onwards.

Anyone else remember any of these???

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Who remembers the school that was opened in the late fifties early sixties as an overspill school to accommodate the new crop of baby boomers. This school also boasted I believe a very interesting cast of teachers and to some degree students. Would be interested to hear from folks who were there in that time frame.


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