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Liposuction - is it permanent?

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I'm sorry, but I think that is just plain wrong.


Your body will retain some fat. Always. It is unhealthy to have very low body fat. Therefore it is perfectly reasonable to presume that it may stay in undesirable areas.


As Hecate said, this is more about altering the shape of the body than loosing weight. If you are not maintaining a stable weight and healthy l;ifestye then you are right, the fat will go back on. But if your weight and body shape is stable then the liposuction will remove the unwanted pockets.


What would put me off if the risk of infection and bad scarring, and how violent it always seems to look!


take footballers!! they eat a minimum of 6% fat, how on earth can that be bad for you!

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but exercise and a good diet will get rid of ALL fat no little pockets of FAT left...

No, it won't.

...Liposuction is used for peole who cant be bothered to get up and get fit.. its an easy way out..

No it isn't.

...once the fat is removed your body will still be at the same heart rate so when you start to eat fatty foods again it will build up again... fitness and diet is the best way to get rid of fat

I agree with some of that, but I don't think you read the bit of my post where I said that liposuction isn't a way to deal with those who are overweight. It's generally used in conjunction with a healthy diet and exercise.

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with exercise and the use of weights, weights are the best thing to alter the shape of ones body.. yes exercise alone wont get all the fat.. cutting down on the fat you eat WILL.. if you have a flaby stomach exercise and plenty of sit ups to work the muscle in the area where needed..

Wrong. Using weights will tone muscle, but if that toned muscle is covered in a layer of fat, then you won't see the definition. For some people, exercise and diet won't remove completely the pockets of fat in certain areas (around the knees, hips, upper arms etc), which is where liposuction can come in.


You're also over-emphasising the role of eating fat when it comes to putting on weight. A diet high in carbohydrates will also lead to weight gain. You need to moderate fat intake yes, but also monitor the types of fat that you eat, as well as watching carbohydrate consumption.

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As I said before I exercise A LOT, including running and weights but this fat will not go! I also eat a low fat diet so I'm afraid more dieting and excercising just won't work!

So how do you know you are not just body dismorphic and you have unrealistic expectations of your body





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Please ensure that your "Liposucker" is *really* qualified.

The plastic surgeon with whom I worked (before retiring) had trained in medicine, general surgery and cosmetic surgery.

He was able to advise whether liposuction was the best solution for a particular patient, and only to perform it when it would really help.

It's fairly easy to get the equipment, get a few days' instruction, and offer liposuction to everybody. It's also a good way to make lots of money quickly, and works out OK for many patients. The ones on whom it goes bad are real tragedies -- we fixed up a good few!

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