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Liposuction - is it permanent?

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So how do you know you are not just body dismorphic and you have unrealistic expectations of your body






No I don't have that I just want to get into size 8 jeans:)


Anyway I found out you can get cheap liposuction done in India so I'm going there and combining it with a holiday:cool:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I run a health club, and I know people who have had it done. They remove fat cells - permanently, but they can't remove ALL your fat cells, and those that are left (millions) can continue to get fatter and fatter. Also, the proceedure and aftermath is VERY painful! One particular client had to wear consrictive bandages, and have massage that made her cry (otherwise the remaining fat can settle in furrows like a field) and she still lost her husband! (He buggered off- didn't die) She had to wear knee length skirts ever-after because she considered her thighs so ugly.

I'm not against surgery on the whole; I just think lipo is bad. Please don't go abroad to have it done. Look at the PIP breast implant problems. No one who went abroad to get it done will get help sorting that one out for free!:rant:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Although traditional liposuction has a visible effect, there can be health risks further on in life. Remember that fat cells are removed with liposuction, which means consumed fats will store in other places; sometimes around the heart.


Laser lipo is now a recognised alternative; it is pain free, non-invasive, no recovery time required and treatment range from 20-30 mins. The results are also instant.


We are having an open weekend 3rd-4th March and will have FREE trials. PM me for more information.



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  • 2 weeks later...
I think it is permanent,

and that is the problem. It takes away completely fat storage areas.

If you put weight on afterwards, if you have had liposuctioned thighs and bum, you will have enormous amounts of fat appearing on your arms or back.


This is exactly what happens and explains why so many people have excessively large arms and wobbly backs;it is permanent as the removed fatty deposits go to land fill or pet-food

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Spotty Dog,


Did you come to our clinic @ Handsworth.


I ask because since we got our new 10 paddle machine, we have NOT had a single person come in for treatment that didnt lose at least an inch.


I might also add that most surgens are now advising people who have had traditional liposuction to have laser lipo afterwards to get rid of the 'bumpy' and loose skin.

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