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Wednesday Chat #3 - Discuss the Owls here


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Yeah, that's what you all said about Bourgherra.


Not me I thought Bourgherra was a classy player & he will prove it next season,Brunt is a quality player & I think he will go far, but some of the prices for British players lately has been astonishing. ok £2.5m is that any better.

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I am astounded that any wendy fan thinks that they will have any decent money to spend next season.

Has the £30 million debt that you will have next season just dissappear?

It is about Allen making noises to ensure that you buy season tickets next year and from what i have read and wrote about the matter on previous posts nobdy should buy one.

The only viable bargaining chip you have is not to renew season tickets.

Any decent player will be gobbled up by teams that do have money.

Nothing will change until that debt has gone, simple maths.

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I am astounded that any wendy fan thinks that they will have any decent money to spend next season.

Has the £30 million debt that you will have next season just dissappear?

It is about Allen making noises to ensure that you buy season tickets next year and from what i have read and wrote about the matter on previous posts nobdy should buy one.

The only viable bargaining chip you have is not to renew season tickets.

Any decent player will be gobbled up by teams that do have money.

Nothing will change until that debt has gone, simple maths.


typical blunt, we're not saying we have alot prob only about £3m, most from the sale of magic, but to us thats alot more than there has been for the last couple of years. why dont you worry more about what colin is spending his money on, according to my mates who follow the blunts their not sure he knows how to spend it going on his signings this year

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We,ll surprise a few people next season.


Here, here, son! And if we do get some investment this year, sell Brunt for £2.5ish then we'll have enough (if Laws spends wisely) to really push for promotion. If we can keep a good run of results until the end of this season & finish as high as possible (8th too much?), sign well, rest well & train hard pre-season, then we can really go for it. UTO!


Blunts? Well, they may have parchute payments but they'll lose their best players, i.e. Bromby, Quinn & Geary :hihi: and who'll want to play for the dirtiest set of footballing reprobates this side of the Northern hemisphere especially after St. Warnock (can't believe I have just written that) is burnt at the posts? I'll also be greatly interested in seeing how many turn up at BDTBL ('Bumming Down There' Bumhole Lane) next season, once they're no longer PREMIERSHIP?



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We will get more than you lot when Allen brings in the id scheme.

I wonder what his next trick will be?

Yes i know what it is finding £3 million for players, now that is a trick i would like to see, i bet the bank will be chuffed if he does that.

Simple business rules state that he couldn't spend that.

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Many thanks, sir. Although CB is a ridiculously easy target and will become even more so should United's TERRIBLE PREMIERSHIP form continue.



I will be here Jazz to listen to the abuse from my little pink friends should The mighty Blades slip up.

I just wanted you to know that, plus I wanted to bring this thread up so that you and Geo know its still alive even though its about like wednesd*y isn't it, lingering around the middle and not doing much of anything :hihi:

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