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Wednesday Chat #3 - Discuss the Owls here


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Right then lads, we're almost there! Possibly the best run of form of any team in the Football leagues - unbeaten in 11, won the last 5. Splendid!


Let's get a result v. Brum & then turn Sheffield blue for the Norwich game! Let's all give 'Chrissy!' Adamson all the support we can and hope he has the games of his life!


Also just like to say a big 'Well Done!" to a Mr P Sturrock @ Swindon. You're almost there Luggy - playing Leeds next season! :hihi:

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I don't care if we are ready. If we go up (and I still don't think it's likely) then we wipe out the club debt within 1 season, even if we double every players wages.


Spot on, and with the parachute payments building a team to get promoted again as champions the following season should be possible.

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To be honest id love to go up all that money will help for a start.


is your club in a correct state to play in the premiership? you'd be another watford..


but i must take my hat off to you guys. you've closed the points down to 3 for a play-of place.. WELL DONE but i think you've left it 2 games to late to actually play in the playoffs. but its a funny old game

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is your club in a correct state to play in the premiership? you'd be another watford..




How can YOU sat that :loopy: :loopy: :loopy: SUFC in the bottom 4 for most of the season, playing crap football, have a whinging manager, crashing out to Swansea, fighting for your lives, clinging onto the hopes of other teams....


And you call us another Watford. The only Watford from South Yorkshire is your lot!.. sweating till the end of the season, pretending your team will be ok, when all along you know theres a massive chance of going down...


Wednesday may or may not go up - ask any Wednesdayite at the moment and they'll tell you we would consider it a bonus to get in the play-offs and are unbelievably happy with our team, management and fans at the moment. We are not living in fear every weekend, like the pink parade from Pigsty Lane.

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I don't care if we are ready. If we go up (and I still don't think it's likely) then we wipe out the club debt within 1 season, even if we double every players wages.


You definitely need the cash, and there's always one side who come from nowhere to get there. Palace and Watford did precisely the same as you are doing, and from the same league position round Dec/Jan, and, yes, they came back down, but there is so much more money compared to even last year.


Even if you did a Sunderland, that one year could be the long term foundation for you.


All the best to you :thumbsup:

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