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Wednesday Chat #3 - Discuss the Owls here


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I have heard theres a few people been seen limping around the Fulwood Broomhill area lately, a mate of mine was yelling at one of them but,the bloke just kept on walking, when he got to the pub he took his hat off and my mate was :o when he saw the bloke had no ears :D


Supposedly but not confirmed , there is a tunnel that only owls know about that gets them from Swillsborough to BDTBL and back again :hihi:


Not quite up to your usual below average standard CB, had I been posting I would have said how sorry I was for the bloke with no ears and offered him a hand whenever he needed one. :hihi:

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Supposedly but not confirmed , there is a tunnel that only owls know about that gets them from Swillsborough to BDTBL and back again :hihi:


I bet I know which direction has the most traffic. a few red & white refugees who have seen the light. That's why they made it possible to get back from "BDTBL" :)

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I don't think Blunts will need 40 points, team below them are bobbins!!


Blunts could be safe by mid April, Blunts would have to really **** it up now to go down.


We need 50 to stay up, but where the other 10 points are going to come from, god only knows, we must start picking wins up sooner or later, serioulsy, as we could get dragged back into the mix.

We'll get there...

You have to bear in mind that out of our last 5 straight defeats (D'oh!) 4 are in the top 7. They are playing badly, mainly in defence where there has been some major blunders. There's points to be had I'm sure. :thumbsup:

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God I hate Allen:


Wednesday chairman Dave Allen has revealed he is in talks with four parties interested in investing in the Owls - with club ownership set to be resolved in the summer.


Allen revealed last month that he was in discussions with a 'wealthy casino owner' about investing in the club, but there now seem to be four interested parties currently in discussions with the board.


'We are having discussions with four different parties; three of them are from overseas,' Allen told the Sheffield Star.


'It depends on the circumstances of the deal. One of the four would be doing a deal in which I would stay and probably contribute as well. There is a lot of water to go under the bridge. I think that by the start of the season it will all be resolved.'


But Allen has still insisted that the ten per cent shareholding from fans group Wednesdayite could well be a stumbling block in any possible takeover at S6.


He said: 'I see that Wednesdayite have said they're only too willing to sit down and talk to any investor; well, no-one who's going to put a lot of money into the club is going to sit down and talk with them; it's something that comes into every discussion that we have with new people.'


The Owls will undergo an EGM early this month after calling one in January to discuss the current financial problems at Hillsborough.


And many Owls fans have suggested the only way forward for the club is investment, with the Owls chairman receiving abuse from the stands, and in writing to the club - abuse which could see him play no further part in the Wednesday boardroom.


He continued: 'I am not comfortable with the verbal and written abuse I have taken, for making the right decisions that have taken the club forward. I was the one who fought off Ken Bates - and look what's happened at Leeds.'




I appreciate modesty in all people but for someone in a role like chairman of a huge football club (unless you want to make a spectacle of yourself) its a must. What a nob! The bit about Wednesdayite is transparent; he'll simply blot their copy book in absentia for them as soon as they sit all down together.


The bit about Bates proves his shoulder chip is as big as ever!

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God I hate Allen:


Wednesday chairman Dave Allen has revealed he is in talks with four parties interested in investing in the Owls - with club ownership set to be resolved in the summer.


Allen revealed last month that he was in discussions with a 'wealthy casino owner' about investing in the club, but there now seem to be four interested parties currently in discussions with the board.


'We are having discussions with four different parties; three of them are from overseas,' Allen told the Sheffield Star.


'It depends on the circumstances of the deal. One of the four would be doing a deal in which I would stay and probably contribute as well. There is a lot of water to go under the bridge. I think that by the start of the season it will all be resolved.'


But Allen has still insisted that the ten per cent shareholding from fans group Wednesdayite could well be a stumbling block in any possible takeover at S6.


He said: 'I see that Wednesdayite have said they're only too willing to sit down and talk to any investor; well, no-one who's going to put a lot of money into the club is going to sit down and talk with them; it's something that comes into every discussion that we have with new people.'


The Owls will undergo an EGM early this month after calling one in January to discuss the current financial problems at Hillsborough.


And many Owls fans have suggested the only way forward for the club is investment, with the Owls chairman receiving abuse from the stands, and in writing to the club - abuse which could see him play no further part in the Wednesday boardroom.


He continued: 'I am not comfortable with the verbal and written abuse I have taken, for making the right decisions that have taken the club forward. I was the one who fought off Ken Bates - and look what's happened at Leeds.'




I appreciate modesty in all people but for someone in a role like chairman of a huge football club (unless you want to make a spectacle of yourself) its a must. What a nob! The bit about Wednesdayite is transparent; he'll simply blot their copy book in absentia for them as soon as they sit all down together.


The bit about Bates proves his shoulder chip is as big as ever!


By heck I bet that you're glad to get that lot off your chest. Nowt you can do about it mate, I know that it's frustrating but I think that a very tiny light at the end of a very long tunnel has just become visible. Allen will be on his way as soon as his and his two co conspiritors financial demands have been met. We must hope that the deal that he eventually opts for benefits SWFC as well as the gang of three. :thumbsup:

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There is a far greater possibility of me contracting leprosy in Fulwood than there is of me becoming a blunt. ;)


Anyway I don't even know how to get into bogall lane, the last time I tried I waited in a huge queue for an eternity only to find that it was the queue for the chip shop. :hihi:


I did not think people of fulwood went in chip shops. I thought you all went in bistros.:hihi: :hihi: :hihi: :hihi:

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Sheff Star:08/02

Owls EGM lasts 15 minutes


OWLS chairman Dave Allen was proved right in his prediction that today's extraordinary general meeting of the club would be short.


It lasted only 15 minutes and was attended by a mere 40 shareholders - a contrast to a typical attendance for an AGM of around 500.

Wednesday again explained that the meeting, in the Hallamshire Suite at Hillsborough, was a procedural matter to satisfy a section of the Companies Act.

Shareholders accepted the board's assurance that no action needed to be taken over the club's accounts.

Finance director Bob Grierson gave technical details about the requirements of the Act and told how the current issue related to the way the Owls balance sheet is presented - not a change in the overall substance of the club's financial position.

Allen said it was a technical detail -."one that was overlooked by the board, but not intentionally" - and had been brought to the club's attention by the Financial Services Authority.

Grierson said that the club's accounts have been transparent and have been debated in great detail at recent AGMs.

He said: "Over the last three years, the directors have stabilised the financial position." This had been achieved by measures such as cost-cutting, loans from directors, a good relationship with the bank, and the "gift of considerable sums of money from the chairman."

He added: "The board do not believe that at this stage anything should be done other the strategy of financial prudence and the search for a potential investor."

As the Owls are chipping away at a debt of around £26m, chairman Allen made it clear that the club are not complacent: "The bank, who are the main players, the auditors and the board are comfortable with the financial situation of the club. I don't say we are happy with it: we'd like to have nil borrowings. But we are comfortable."

The chairman also said the club's independent auditors and their lawyers had been "suitably admonished" in spotting the need for an EGM to comply with the Act - "that's what we pay them for" - and no similar oversights would occur in future.

Chris Powell, of auditors Deloitte and Touche, said the meeting had been called purely to make sure that the directors were fully compliant with the Act:, and nothing relevant had changed since the accounts were presented to the AGM last November.

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