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Has anyone tried Lipotrim?

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My friend started the lipo trim diet this week, this will be her third day, and she weighed herself this morning and has lost 6lb already.

I agree with he concerns of people, but also agree that some people need this kind of diet to actually see results. My wife is starting this diet as she finds cutting down too difficult. I think its mind over matter and if this makes people do something about weight issues then surely done in a sensible way its got to be a good thing.:)

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With all due respect, you really do need to take a look at your own life before you can come anywhere near criticising mine. I've never felt so healthy, alive, happy, fit, slim and content after losing weight on this diet. Can you honestly say the same about yourself? Don't knock it til you've tried it. You're criticising something you know nothing about and have never tried. Yeah you're a mate and a lot has happened over the years, but if you know me then you'll know that I don't do things like this without a lot of careful consideration, research, deliberation, caution and have spoken to others who have been on the diet. I've not flippantly just launched myself into something and feel saddened that you have made unsubstantiated judgements - I thought you were more open minded than this.


I know it sounds strange being desensitised to food, but the shakes you have do fill you up and it is a total food replacement.


I came off the diet three weeks ago, have put on a small amount of weight, because did eat really badly in the States. The week before I went on holiday I ate healthily and didn't put on any weight at all, my body readjusted to food again and was fine. I am restarting Lipotrim again today. I know the diet works for me. I'm not flippant. I don't need to wake up. I get all the nutrients my body needs from the shakes and the programme is supported by a pharmacist - if it was that unhealthy then surely they would not condone it and offer support to people.


Hi my name is jennie and like to say thanx on behalf of everybody contemplating starting the lipotrim diet for your insite into the diet. I totally agree with you about people making unsubstaniated judgements. For some including myself it is more than just losing weight to look good although this comes as a bonus its more about improving quality of life in some cases life itself. There is very little help from heath care professionals for people who are overweight i believe it is an illness itself. I have tried endless diets and none of them worked, i am starting the lipotrim diet not because im stupid or ignorant because i believe it may assist me in losing the ten stone i have to lose to make me more accpetable to a society which does little to help but ridicule those who are like those on this who are trying to help themselves. Well hey hoo here i go starting it 2 moro and i cant wait. good luck and thanx jennie

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Hi my name is jennie and like to say thanx on behalf of everybody contemplating starting the lipotrim diet for your insite into the diet. I totally agree with you about people making unsubstaniated judgements. For some including myself it is more than just losing weight to look good although this comes as a bonus its more about improving quality of life in some cases life itself. There is very little help from heath care professionals for people who are overweight i believe it is an illness itself. I have tried endless diets and none of them worked, i am starting the lipotrim diet not because im stupid or ignorant because i believe it may assist me in losing the ten stone i have to lose to make me more accpetable to a society which does little to help but ridicule those who are like those on this who are trying to help themselves. Well hey hoo here i go starting it 2 moro and i cant wait. good luck and thanx jennie


good luck jennie, i hope you find this works for you!


it so true what you say about society, it makes me so mad when people are "oh poor alcho's, poor junkies, poor anorexics, poor smoker- have lots of free patches/methadone etc but ha ha, look at them fatties, why don't they stop eating!!" even doctors!! makes my blood boil! so i totally understand what youre saying and you have my full sympathy.

i think that it is a disorder just the same but soo much harder to quit, you can quit smack or booze, but you HAVE to eat forever. thats why this lipotrim sounds great, you don't have to think about what unappealing rabbit food to make for lunch, the choice is taken away. therefore the temptation to eat cr*p is too. the fast results also sound appealing, ive lost 2 pounds in 2 weeks and have eaten naff all, its so disheartening but i can't quit!


well anyway, good luck and keep us posted on your progress. if this isnt for you, have you considered a gastric band jennie?? i know a few people who have lost stones with this and its changed their lives. different strokes tho eh??

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  • 3 months later...

I promise that I won't tempt you!!! as long as you don't tease me with chocolate and balti. I think if you are going to start the diet for the first time it is great and new!! But once coming off it and then restarting it is VERY hard!! But I am sure we can do it!!! I don't fancy walking along Miami beach looking like I shoud be in a tank at Sea World!!!:o

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi All, I am on the lipotrim diet for 3 weeks now and have lost 18lb. Unfortunately I had a weak moment last night and ate a slice of toast and an egg. Should I come off the diet now??? Or should I just carry on as if I never??? Please help someone advise me? I really want to continue

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whatever happened to sensible eating and a bit of exercise to loose the lard. these fads are the lazy way out.


450 calories a day sounds quite dangerous too. On the instructors course I did recently I learned on no account suggest anyone take less than 1200 a day (1500 for men).


When I started out almost 18 months ago I just ate healthy (I actually ate more each day too) and did exercise and lost 2kg (4.4lbs) in the 1st week, 1kg (2.2lbs) the next and then around 0.5kg a week (1.1lb) until I hit my goal weight of 85kg (from just under 100kg to start with).


fat loss is simple mathmatics. 1lb of fat is 3500 calories so to loose 1lb a week take in 500 calories a day less than you burn (and i'll work out for anyone what calories you burn in a day if you pm me)

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