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Has anyone tried Lipotrim?

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Be warned though - once you come off a period of using this substance, there is a very good chance you will pile the weight back on again. There is still no substitute for a healthy balanced diet and regular exercise.


This is true IF you go back to your old eating habits. But done properly with exercise and using the proper maintenance program these diets can be very successful.


Most dieters know that we get fat because we consume more calories than we burn. But what they find difficult is to count everything when losing weight whilst also having to get on with their normal lives. And even when they do manage this a result of 1.5 to 2 lbs per week is not that encouraging when you've got quite a lot of weight to lose.


VLCD's give dieters the chance to lose weight more quickly. It also takes away the choice and puts the dieter in control. It may not be easy to stick to all the time but the results push the dieter on and encourage them not to cheat.


The problem most people encounter on these kind of diets is they think once they've lost the weight that's it. When in fact the maintenance phase of the program is the most important and probably the most difficult as it is during this phase the dieter is totally re-educated about food and their food choices.


So therefore it is not the diet people need to be wary of. It is themselves. Before anyone starts this kind of diet they need to make a commitment to themselves that they will continue and see the program through to the end including re-feeding and maintenance phases. If they do this it is extremely likely that they will be successful in losing their excess weight and keeping it off.


Hope this helps some people with their decision in starting a VLCD.

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I did lipotrim for 2 whole weeks back in May before giving up. In that time I manages to lose a stone, and since then I have kept it off! I have also lost a few more pounds, but haven't been eating healthily or exercising. I think if I was to exercise normally and eat healthily I could lose weight quickly but unfortunately I am very very lazy and very very greedy!



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I did lipotrim for 2 whole weeks back in May before giving up. In that time I manages to lose a stone, and since then I have kept it off! I have also lost a few more pounds, but haven't been eating healthily or exercising. I think if I was to exercise normally and eat healthily I could lose weight quickly but unfortunately I am very very lazy and very very greedy!




I need to lose a stone or two before my holiday in june, i may try Lipotrim :help:


Either that or Liposuction :hihi:

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I need to lose a stone or two before my holiday in june, i may try Lipotrim :help:


Either that or Liposuction :hihi:


Shut it you:roll::hihi:


You don't need to lose weight, and you certainly don't need to starve yourself! Imagine a world without galaxy!:suspect:


It looks like it can work, going by what weenireeni has said, but I just do not have the will power not to eat at all. Wish I did if weightloss is a rapid as that though, and you've kept it off! Was it difficult?

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Shut it you:roll::hihi:


You don't need to lose weight, and you certainly don't need to starve yourself! Imagine a world without galaxy!:suspect:


It looks like it can work, going by what weenireeni has said, but I just do not have the will power not to eat at all. Wish I did if weightloss is a rapid as that though, and you've kept it off! Was it difficult?


I can't imagine a world without galaxy but i do need to lose abit more flab :hihi: I'd be quite happy to lose a few more lb's then just tone up. I may start using my LTT again, thats ok and i'd quite like one of these :D

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I must say, I have some friends who were not massive at all, but wnet on slim fast and stuck to it really well (but not to the extent of missing out on fun like meals out, or becoming diet bores), and had good weight loss.


Based on theri success I tried it and did really well for about 3 weeks, and was on and off since then (April time) and Christmas. I must say when I have been properly on it I have found it really good, its when I have alot on, dinners out and that kind of thing and it starts to slide that I miss eating 'properly', and then start to cheat a bit, and it all falls apart a bit!


However I think having a proper evening meal and the snacks does help that, and when doing it properly the results I felt generally healthier (as I always made sure to include fruit as a snakc and lots of veg and salad with meals) and obvious weight loss really helped keep me motivated.


The first week was hell, and will be this week as I am determioned to stick to it!


And if you buy the products when they are on offer its not even that expensive!


Good Luck to everyone starting the dreaded new year diet!

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I can't imagine a world without galaxy but i do need to lose abit more flab :hihi: I'd be quite happy to lose a few more lb's then just tone up. I may start using my LTT again, thats ok and i'd quite like one of these :D


I have a LTT too - when I use it it really does work! I only have the 2 routines for it though and that gets a little boring. I have tried stepping in front of the telly or similar, but find I get distracted and slowly slow down!


What are you supposed to do on the trampoline thing?

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I found Lipotrim really hard to stick to, I only liked one of the flavours of shakes, which didnt help! Its not nice to eat the same things every day for 2 weeks!


There are some benefits though, when I came off them I couldnt eat big meals as my stomach had got used to small portions. Plus I found I really hated KFC! This was my fave meal before the shakes! Even now I cant eat the burgers, only the chicken drumsticks! Yay!


I could def do with losing another 2 stone, and am really going to try hard this year.


Think I will just try and cut down, and exercise a bit more. Not a fan of slimfast, seems a waste of money and you end up eating more than you normally would!


As DarkMoomin says, good luck to anyone daft enough to be dieting! Especially during these cold boring nights :hihi:

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I have a LTT too - when I use it it really does work! I only have the 2 routines for it though and that gets a little boring. I have tried stepping in front of the telly or similar, but find I get distracted and slowly slow down!


What are you supposed to do on the trampoline thing?


Did you get the video aswel? I got one that came with it but once you've done it a few times it does get abit boring! So after that, i just seem to do it in front of the tv although thats slowly becoming boring too :help:


I've no idea what i'd do on the trampoline thing but it looks pretty cool! Apparently trampolining is supposed to be good for exercising and toning up, i reckon i'd just do star jumps on it or summat while listening to music :D

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