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Has anyone tried Lipotrim?

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Does anyone know where you buy it from - is it just from the general supermarkets?


Also - Binty - what's LTT? :help:


I think you they sell it in Superdrug....i'm not to sure though.


LTT stands for Lateral Thigh Trainer - very good machine indeed! Not only does it do you're legs, it does you're WHOLE body - Fabulous :D

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Did you get the video aswel? I got one that came with it but once you've done it a few times it does get abit boring! So after that, i just seem to do it in front of the tv although thats slowly becoming boring too :help:


I've no idea what i'd do on the trampoline thing but it looks pretty cool! Apparently trampolining is supposed to be good for exercising and toning up, i reckon i'd just do star jumps on it or summat while listening to music :D


Lol! That's a great mental image!


weenireeni - TBH I felt slim fast was quite an extreme option to take, but I have dieted almost constantly in one way or another since I was 18 (9 1/2 years) and the most successful one was still the first time! I managed to make myself almost psychotic about food, loving all the wrong things but suffering major guilt if I ate it. It just wasn't healthy! I could go into a shop and spend 10-15 minutes wandering round the chocolate and cake stand picking things up reading the nutritional info and putting them down again, all the time having an internal debate over whether I wanted it or not. On a good day I'd leave without buying anything, but that made me look even wierder!!


I basically came to the conclusion that it was the obsessive counting of calories, points, syns or whatever. The constant balance between " if I eat this now I can't eat that later" and I just spent far too much time thinking about what I was eating.


I have now got to a point where the guilt is much mroe sensible, and I can eat without masses on soul searching but I am concerned that I will slowly get back to that point if I keep counting, but I have to lose some weight. Slim fast really seems to work - for me. The only thing I have to count is the calories for dinner, the routine is rigid, but allows me to eat nice things still.


Basically I have very fwe food decisions to make, but enough choice so that I still feel I'm not depriving myself - I can even have chocolate as a snack!

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Thanks! Not knowing what LTT even stands for shows you the kinda figure I'VE got!!!


Cheers for the info - I'll go have a look-see tomorrow lunch time. Might get a bit of weight off before Benidorm in May!

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I think you they sell it in Superdrug....i'm not to sure though.


LTT stands for Lateral Thigh Trainer - very good machine indeed! Not only does it do you're legs, it does you're WHOLE body - Fabulous :D


Don't say it too much - you'll start wearing bright yellow lycra!



That lady does scare me alittle!

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I really want to start using lipotrim, but I just wondered do you have to be over a certain weight and do you have to be older than sixteen? I'm not just doing it for a quick-fix, I really want to lose about 2.5 stone and maintain the weightloss.


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You need to have a BMI of above 25 I believe. Not sure on age, but I suggest you call into Weldricks on Glossop Road. They should be able to advise you. This is the only place I know of in Sheffield which sells it.


I can't imagine them ecommending such a severe diet for someone still in theri growth period. And whilst it may not be dangerous, it is still rpetty severe.


Even if you were dangerously overweight and young I can't see a medical professional recommending this for a child. In fact its probably not adviseable for anyone under 18 or 20 (especially boys who will continue to grow for longer).


How is everyone doing with the New Year diet so far?

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I've started back on Lipotrim today. Dreading it. I did put on a lot of the weight I lost through returning to bad eating habits after I came off it. It taught me a lesson. I'm going to stick with it this time (need to lose loads of weight for my wedding - I've no intention of looking like a whale in the photographs) and then stick to low fat and exercise afterwards.


I know this diet works for me. It's fast weight loss, albeit pretty boring to do. I just think that it's only for a few weeks and then I'll be a lot lighter.

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