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Has anyone tried Lipotrim?

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They are cutting down on food to do this diet, so it isn't that hard for them is it. They can eat more, do exercise, and be healthy.

450kcal a day is shocking!


Having done lipotrim for a short while, I completely agree


BUT, that's me, everyone is different, and someone I know has been very successful on this diet, and mainatined her weightloss, and can now eat normal meals.


If people have the determination to do this I wish them all the best, I was just too greedy :hihi:

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Fine you are clearly a perfect human being, but as someone that really struggles with food, it is easier to stop eating and not have to make the choices about what to eat to start loosing some weight than it is to keep eating and have to make those choices. OK we may be weak willed or whatever. At least we are not judgemental.


For me dieting is like trying to quit smoking or drinking or any other addiction whilst having to have a small amount of that substance everyday. I accept I possibly have an unhealthy relationship with food. I have dieted successfully by calories counting and low fat food and exercise etc, but over time I developed an even unhealthier relationship - obsessing over everything, my life became dominated by food, and the guilt of eating it.


Right now I do slimfast, for the same reasons as some of these people seem to do lipotrim.


I'm sorry we are not as perfect as you but why bring such a negative air to a thread where people were supporting each other to lose weight!



Basically what I was trying to say, put much more eloquently! I DO have an unheathy relationship with food, I know that, but it's a hard thing to get out of!


Do you do the slimfast thing where you have two shakes and then a proper meal? Is that how it works? Sounds easier to me then having no food at all if that's the case, take away my choice for two meals, bingo:D:hihi:

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Fine you are clearly a perfect human being, but as someone that really struggles with food, it is easier to stop eating and not have to make the choices about what to eat to start loosing some weight than it is to keep eating and have to make those choices. OK we may be weak willed or whatever. At least we are not judgemental.


For me dieting is like trying to quit smoking or drinking or any other addiction whilst having to have a small amount of that substance everyday. I accept I possibly have an unhealthy relationship with food. I have dieted successfully by calories counting and low fat food and exercise etc, but over time I developed an even unhealthier relationship - obsessing over everything, my life became dominated by food, and the guilt of eating it.


Right now I do slimfast, for the same reasons as some of these people seem to do lipotrim.


I'm sorry we are not as perfect as you but why bring such a negative air to a thread where people were supporting each other to lose weight!


No I am far from perfect. I like my food..I do however try to burn it off so I stay and the weight I am now.


I'm not bringing negative air as such...I am saying it is flipping dangerous eating as little calories as that! You have 450 kcals a day, and lets say one of these days your in a rush and find yourself running down the road to the bus stop or something...chances are you are going to pass out!

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I went through a really really unhealthy patch about two years ago when I geuinely didn't like myself and was averaging only about 500 calories a day on normal food, The weird thing was, my body seemed to get used to that amount of food, but God knows what it would've done if I stuck to it long term, that was a messed up period:hihi:


The thing with lipotrim, I don't think it's designed for you to stay on it for long periods of time, and you are being monitored, which has go to be better then nothing...?

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I'm not bringing negative air as such...I am saying it is flipping dangerous eating as little calories as that! You have 450 kcals a day, and lets say one of these days your in a rush and find yourself running down the road to the bus stop or something...chances are you are going to pass out!


The people at Lipotrim do say you can exercise while on the diet. They encourage you to drink shed loads of water before you start and lots afterwards as that's what you are most likely to lose the most. As for burning energy, well that's what your stored fat is for.


This is the second time I've tried this diet (the last time being for 4 consecutive months) and have had great results. I've exercised lightly on each occasion without passing out and in fact feel more lively and energised when on Hippotrim than when I'm not. I get all the nutrients and minerals I need from my shakes and feel absolutely fine. I work a day job and stand on my feet DJing at night as well as lugging PA equipment around. I've not fainted yet and feel absolutely great.

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Basically what I was trying to say, put much more eloquently! I DO have an unheathy relationship with food, I know that, but it's a hard thing to get out of!


Do you do the slimfast thing where you have two shakes and then a proper meal? Is that how it works? Sounds easier to me then having no food at all if that's the case, take away my choice for two meals, bingo:D:hihi:


Yup that's the one.


According to people who have done it you don't feel tired or run down because it is designed to give you all your nutrients.


As LitleMermaid says its not designed to be a healthy diet for life, but to shift excess pounds, and it is carefully monitored.


It is a much healthier way to get eating under control. It must be great to have the imte and inclination to do enough excercise to maintain weight, hopwever being male that is immediately easier for you.


I do a sedentry job and have interests which take up a certain amount of time, and need time just to relax. I don't enjoy exercise and although I do some its purely to be thin, not to be healthy or for enjoyment.

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The thing with lipotrim, I don't think it's designed for you to stay on it for long periods of time, and you are being monitored, which has go to be better then nothing...?


On the Hippotrim website there are references to people who've been doing it for over a year. You can also do it as a maintenance plan (I can't see the point of that, once I get to target weight then I just eat sensibly).

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The monitoring isn't monitoring, they just weigh you and sell you the next lot of shakes!


No, not quite, they do ask you how you've been. It's up to you to disclose any queries or concerns and take responsibility for yourself. In the past I've had questions eg if I could safely give blood, and they've phoned the nice people at the Hippotrim HQ to find out for me. One week I didn't lose as much as normal and the Pharmacist came in to talk to me especially to see if I'd been doing anything different. As my weight loss was generally consistently the same and was on average the same as it should be then there was little extra support needed.

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On the Hippotrim website there are references to people who've been doing it for over a year. You can also do it as a maintenance plan (I can't see the point of that, once I get to target weight then I just eat sensibly).


Oh I didn't realise that!:D Chuffing ell, you'd have to have some right will power to not eat for a year!!!!!!:o:D

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