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Has anyone tried Lipotrim?

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No, not quite, they do ask you how you've been. It's up to you to disclose any queries or concerns and take responsibility for yourself. In the past I've had questions eg if I could safely give blood, and they've phoned the nice people at the Hippotrim HQ to find out for me. One week I didn't lose as much as normal and the Pharmacist came in to talk to me especially to see if I'd been doing anything different. As my weight loss was generally consistently the same and was on average the same as it should be then there was little extra support needed.


i understand they ask how you've been, just wnated to point out that the level of monitoring is not what some people might have in mind, to me monitoring would mean posisbly blood tests, or blood pressure monitoring.


on a positive note i managed to fit into some size 12 black trousers today for work! woohoo! didnt even have to breathe in lol! :)

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I doubt there would be any need to monitor things like that UNLESS you were to tell them (again this goes back to your personal responsibility to disclose issues of concern to them) that you felt ill in some way. If you feel fine, bright and sparkling as you should do then it's all systems go. I lost 5lbs last week on Lipotrim, feel great and am shrinking.

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Lipo for a guy is £40. But like Classic says this replaces everything, so no going out for a sandwich everyday!!! No beer!! No KFC!! I reckon I save myself about £30 per week being on Lipo. Yes it is hard for the first few days but you can see the weight coming off which boosts you to carry on with it. I am recovering from surgery at the moment so cannot be on lipo but I can't wait to start again!! You will ned to think about toning up at the gym!! Dont do any Cardio stuff just weights. It does work as long as you dont go back to junk food and take regular exercise. :hihi:

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Cheers RedRocker,


I appreciate that it replaces everything and that it is hard. I did CD for 8 weeks in the past and did well on it; I have put a little on since, but not loads by any means. I would go back to CD but the West Street location is ideal for me for the weekly weigh in...and it is 6-7 pounds cheaper a week than CD.


Going to pop in and see them about Lipotrim tomorrow.

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If you have an unhealthy relationship with food, replacing it with shakes for a few months ain't gonna change that - and it's a simple fact of biology that 450 calories is not enough to survive healthily on, regardless of the nutrients you may be consuming. All that happens is that your body goes in to starvation mode and does it's best to conserve it's energy reserves (ie fat) - the weight loss is mostly water and muscle mass on these kinds of 'starvation' diets, which is why 99% of people gain weight when they start eating normally again. And I'm not saying this as some skinny minnie - I'm saying this as someone who has tried every diet going and NEVER succeeded in losing weight and keeping it off. I am currently using the Paul McKenna method, despite being highly sceptical of that kind of stuff, but it is the first plan I've ever tried that has actually changed my attitude towards food as it doesn't involve depriving yourself of what you want. If you want to break free of the diet-lose weight-put it back on again cycle, give it a go.


I'm not trying to criticise anyone here BTW, I just find it worrying that there's so many 'get thin quick' schemes out there that could be damaging peoples health - you don't have to feel ill for something to be harming you.

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