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Has anyone tried Lipotrim?

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And just because a pharmacist 'supports' it doesn't make it healthy either - pharmacies are businesses, they are not part of the NHS, and their job is to make money - as I said in my last post, you don't have to feel ill for something to be harming you, and to say this diet is monitored is not really correct. Proper medical monitoring does involve blood tests/heart monitoring/blood sugar/liver function tests etc.

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Having spent over 3 months on the Lipotrim diet, I can totally relate to this. You eventually get to the point where you can watch people eat, cook meals, smell food and it just does not bother you. You desensitise yourself to it.


If you Google 'Lipotrim buddies', you'll find another online support group full of beginners to the diet.


I been on lipotrim 4 9weeks my weight was 12st 10lb 81.0kg i`m now down to 10st 5lb 65 .9 kg its been a good diet and I to done family meals and I also had cravings this week for chocolate which I am not a chocolate person

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I am still on this lipotrim diet and now started a gym which I enjoyed going to....always been to a gym until 4yrs ago when my health started to get me down with this diet and working out has got me back to my own self.....still got about a stone and half to lose but at 28th aug will be going to a wedding I am wounding if any one have a day off the lipotrim then gone back on it please let me now

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You can have a day off it quite easily, you'll go out of ketosis for about 3 or 4 days and won't lose any weight for the same time period. Just eat sensibly and small portions.


Just let them know at Weldricks what you're doing, they'll understand.

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I lost 5.5.lbs in the first week, still sticking it out. I feel totally detoxed.


The flapjacks are like cardboard.


The chocolate shake is the nicest, followed by vanilla and then the strawberry. The soup is vile.


haha the soup is not nice but the shakes are great

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The people at Lipotrim do say you can exercise while on the diet. They encourage you to drink shed loads of water before you start and lots afterwards as that's what you are most likely to lose the most. As for burning energy, well that's what your stored fat is for.


This is the second time I've tried this diet (the last time being for 4 consecutive months) and have had great results. I've exercised lightly on each occasion without passing out and in fact feel more lively and energised when on Hippotrim than when I'm not. I get all the nutrients and minerals I need from my shakes and feel absolutely fine. I work a day job and stand on my feet DJing at night as well as lugging PA equipment around. I've not fainted yet and feel absolutely great.


that is good... as I am on this diet and working out at a gym and it makes me feel great it as got all the nutrients n minerals are body needs

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