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Has anyone tried Lipotrim?

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Anyone still on lipotrim? Could do with a few supportive people! Ive already got lubylou12 to help me but would love to chat to some others about it! I start it tomorrow, been thinking about it for months and decided to take the plunge last week. So im all ready.. just tasting my first black tea :gag:

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  • 1 year later...

Hi, I have read through all of the reviews on here and to be quite honest the people who are slating lipo trip have got it all wrong, ive been doing it for 6 days now and iv lost 10 lbs.... my advice to anyone is if your unhappy then try it, its tough dont get me wrong but then losing weight is never easy and never has been!!! i have 3 jobs so going to the gym is out of the question. keeping off the weight will work if you dont binge the second you come off otherwise your body collect it as water and put the weight straight back on. But as far as the people who are claiming how bad it is and how its a waste of time and unheathy i think maybe giving it the benfit of the doubt wouldnt harm you and if its advertised by doctors and pharmacies then it cant be that bad!!! Smoking and taking drugs is alot worse for u!!

Good luck to anyone on this diet im sure you will feel great after.... get through the first 4 days and u will sail through it, this is my second time on it and i am so happy seeing such quick results!!!

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  • 3 months later...
Hi has anyone tried this?:help:

I've just started (4 days into it now)

Finding it difficult at times but sticking with it

I suppose i'm looking for other's experiences/tips etc but guess I'm setting myself up for some stick!!!!!

T'will be worth it!! :hihi:




hy i have just finished the plan and have found it great . i lost 2 stone 4 lbs in 7 weeks and am now reffeding and following the maintencae section for a few weeks .... its hard but with determination and will power it is successful .ignore the doubters ,i felt healthy and had more energy than id had in ages ... ive actually missed the no planning side of it but i can assure you its worth it .the maintenance shakes ae gorgeous so you can look forward to them and the bars are a real treat , ideal for if your away from home .. good luck ... hope this helped

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