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Has anyone tried Lipotrim?

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When you get near to your target weight you are given re-feeding information. This gives you the week plan for re-introducing your body to food. You start with a small salad and chicken or fish and work up to eating things like potatoes and bread.. It is a Low fat plan. Once you have finished this it is up to YOU to make sensible choices. If you stick with a LOW FAT diet and take regular excersise then go out for a meal once in a while..Treat yourself. But don't go mad. Remember why you went on lipotrim in the first place. If you have the will power to do that then you will have the same willpower to stay thin. In the info it talks about the fact that many people lose weight but over a period of time they put it back on. This is down to the choices they make. When you refeed you have the chance to re programme your body to the foods that you will be eating from then on. Personally I cant wait to go out for a curry. But it won't be every night. Maybe once a fortnight or month. I'm sure that if you really want to do this you will. :D

You can always ask Classic Rock or Me for support or advice :thumbsup:

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We refeed next week, having a break for Easter. Bring on the curry and the Chinese and the cheesecake and the pizza and the bagels and the hot dogs and the deli and and and.....I really don't care cos we'll be going back on Lipotrim when we come back from holiday!

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Are you all mad???!!!


No wonder you're loosing flippin stupid amounts of weight in a week - you can't seriously think loosing 10lb a week is either good for you or maintainable??? :loopy:


The reason the weight is falling off is because you're eating so few calories. Women are supposed to get through 2000 a day, this programme is giving you less than a quarter. You'd loose weight on any diet if you at a quarter of your normal amount of food. More worryingly is that it's being recommended by pharmacists - I thought they would know better.


As for ketosis - put it into Wikipedia - first line "Most medical resources regard ketosis as a pathological state associated with chronic starvation."


Only sensible way to lose weight (and permenantly) is to make sure you burn a few more carolies each day than you're taking in (i.e. eat heathily, perhaps slightly smaller portions than normal and exercise!!!)

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Are you all mad???!!!


No wonder you're loosing flippin stupid amounts of weight in a week - you can't seriously think loosing 10lb a week is either good for you or maintainable??? :loopy:


The reason the weight is falling off is because you're eating so few calories. Women are supposed to get through 2000 a day, this programme is giving you less than a quarter. You'd loose weight on any diet if you at a quarter of your normal amount of food. More worryingly is that it's being recommended by pharmacists - I thought they would know better.


As for ketosis - put it into Wikipedia - first line "Most medical resources regard ketosis as a pathological state associated with chronic starvation."


Only sensible way to lose weight (and permenantly) is to make sure you burn a few more carolies each day than you're taking in (i.e. eat heathily, perhaps slightly smaller portions than normal and exercise!!!)


It's nice to see you've done your research into this diet. If you had done it properly you would know that the diet we are on is also backed by doctors as well as pharmacists. Chronic starvation refers to lack of nutrients, vitamins and minerals. This diet provides all this. There are various websites describing the programme which you evidently have omitted to read as part of your research.


I am an educated person and before I entered the programme I researched it fully, I spoke to both doctors and pharmacists, spoke to people who had been successful in losing weight and keeping it off on this diet.


I have been on this diet for almost 4 months, not once have I been rushed to hospital with malnutrition, I lead an active life with both a full time day job and DJing four nights a week and still have time to play. I have more energy now than I did last year. Any concerns I had about the diet vanished within a week and I have regained my self confidence, my waistline and my health.


I am neither mad, stupid or dying of starvation.

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It's nice to see you've done your research into this diet. If you had done it properly you would know that the diet we are on is also backed by doctors as well as pharmacists. Chronic starvation refers to lack of nutrients, vitamins and minerals. This diet provides all this. There are various websites describing the programme which you evidently have omitted to read as part of your research.


I am an educated person and before I entered the programme I researched it fully, I spoke to both doctors and pharmacists, spoke to people who had been successful in losing weight and keeping it off on this diet.


I have been on this diet for almost 4 months, not once have I been rushed to hospital with malnutrition, I lead an active life with both a full time day job and DJing four nights a week and still have time to play. I have more energy now than I did last year. Any concerns I had about the diet vanished within a week and I have regained my self confidence, my waistline and my health.


I am neither mad, stupid or dying of starvation.

Sometimes I wonder, but the diet is obviously working for you :thumbsup:
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whatever happened to sensible eating and a bit of exercise to loose the lard. these fads are the lazy way out.


Have you ever been the size of a house???? Until you have been a body double for Jabba the Hut and your self esteem is at rock bottom. Then come back and tell me a bit of exercise is the key!! Yes you are right healthy eating is a good thing but when you are addicted to eating that is a very hard thing to do. I LOVE this diet. Instead of going to weight watchers and sitting wth other Lardies and feeling like you've been a naughty boy, I can lose weight get some confidence back and feel great. You might be right Yes it is Lazy, But who cares when it works!!!

:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey, just started lipotrim today, was kinda surprised at how ok the shakes and soup were!felt a little hungry during the day but managed ok. my only problem is having to have a shake in the morning..so not a breakfast person!It was a killer watching tv and seeing pizzas and stuff but the way i look at it is im saving money compared to how much i would usually spend on food and ill lose weight meaning ill be happier and healthier! fair play to all those who are on it for so long, don't listen to those here to tear you down, clearly they don't realise how important this is for some people! I really don't like all the negativity.. hows about some encouragement for people trying to better their lives??:clap: i know a good few people who have done this and only one of them has put back on the weight because she didn't reintroduce herself to food properly. for me this is a kick start in the right direction, ive done weight watchers, ive done the gym, it didn't work so at least this way my whole attitude to food will be changed, hopefully!i'm really excited!:D Kirstin

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