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The Nelson pub was originally above some shops at a point where The Moor joined Pinstone Street. You went up a straight flight of stairs and if you looked out the window you would see the Queen Victoria (?) Statue and the tram stop where you walked halfway across the road to board. On the other side was the end of Button Lane. Sheffield girls in those days would parade around town on Saturday afternoons with their hair in curlers covered by a headscarf then turn up at the Nelson at night looking tres glam. Many times have I fallen base over apex down those stairs. Can't remember what ale they sold. Stone's was a 'fighting beer' in my time. Another killer was brewed near the Wicker. It was a Barley Wine sold in a 'nip bottle' which was slightly smaller that a half pint. Can't remember the brewer but I bet it'll come to me as soon as I log off. Whitbreads took the firm over and all the originals went except the barley wine which was then sold nartionally - but as the water didn't come from the Don it never kicked you the same. Any one remember Richdales for Rich Ales brewery at the bottom of Bramall Lane. ANTHONY.

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Tennant's was the brewery that made Barley Wine. I can't say I have heard of Richdales,although there were enough breweries in and around Sheffield at that time that there would always be the odd one we missed...lol

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Hello says me laughing as a young girl I worked next to the Barley Corn at George Binns. clothiers. Too young to understand the (*goings on) there. I do remember Russian Edna who used to go in there. She was murdered in High Hazels Park.

Remember the pie shop too next to Geo. Binns. Are these buildings still there.

Aussie Friend

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  • 1 month later...
Originally posted by vhopkinson

Hello says me laughing as a young girl I worked next to the Barley Corn at George Binns. clothiers. Too young to understand the (*goings on) there. I do remember Russian Edna who used to go in there. She was murdered in High Hazels Park.

Remember the pie shop too next to Geo. Binns. Are these buildings still there.

Aussie Friend

i remember reading a book which was not so long ago. i think it was called the sheffield murders. and it stated that the last man to be hung was william smedley who murdered russian edna.

also the first man to be hung was also called william smedley. what a coincidence. i think she murdered on spring street.

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  • 3 years later...
i am quite offended regarding the comment about terry steeples, my father. He was a very good landlord and made sam smith brewery more money than any of there landlords ever. If the beer was watered down why did you bother to go drinking there, as there were many other pubs in the area. and for the record he is not longer over weight.


Greetings to you smiler4689, I posted a question on another thread regarding your dad, what happened to him, I bumped into a comedian in a hotel in Leicestershire earlier this year, a small round man with curly hair who'd been in a band 'Frankenstiens Monsters' I think and I'm sure he told me your dad had moved away to the coast or maybe abroad.


I have fond memories of the Mucky Duck and your dad from the early seventies, if he's still around tell him an old customer sends his regards

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