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Anyone emigrated to the USA?

Eddie Rex

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I emigrated to Canada in 1968. In 1977 my American company asked me to move into New England for some contract work on the paper industry. I've been here ever since. I took citizenship in 1987 and have never regretted it.

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Well i have considered taking a working holiday in the US and i find states like California, Nevada or Texas very appealing. However from i have read i would need a green card, and its only issued if you have relations already living in the US. It all appears to be a very complicated procedure giving me the impression that the US government does not welcome immigrants. Is this correct? :|

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A lot of my family landed up in the U.S but for me it was too harsh a change fm U.K so i chose Canada .one must always remember that when talking U.S each and every state is a complete different country so some love it others hate it

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You'll need a Visa first of all and they're pretty hard to come by. I had an L1B for an intra-company transfer. This type of Visa means that if you leave the company that employs you for whatever reason, you have to leave the country. I got married to a US citizen, so now I have a green card and can pretty much do everything a citizen can except vote. Even then, the card is conditional in some ways. For example, if you leave the country for an extended period, you have to re-apply.


Other Visas are based on outstanding technical ability and the like. I'm sure the US embassy website will fill you in.


A working holiday might be tough. If you're looking for casual, low pay stuff in the states you mentioned, forget it. You'll be competing with several million Mexicans for any such 'casual' labour.


Legal immigration into the 'states is relatively easy if you have the right job offer/marriage etc., and some money to back you up. Otherwise it's a bit tricky. But, you could just do an overnight run across the desert like thousands do each night or just overstay your visitor's Visa. Not that I'm condoning either of those routes.


When I lived in LA, I went for my hair cut and the stylist turned out to be from Sheffield (he also turned out to have taught an ex-gf of mine how to cut hair...small world!). He was working on a fake Visa, but he's married now AFAIK, so he's all legit.


On the one hand, there's a bit of red tape to get in legally, on the other a bit of barbed wire for the not so legal route! ;)

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