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Anyone emigrated to the USA?

Eddie Rex

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The twin Towers were built very well but most Americans live in mobile homes or houses made from cheap plywood and made to look substantial with stucco. By the way you may think I'm a nut case but the towers were brought down by nuclear fission. If you're interested there are many web sites giving credible evidence of an inside job, difficult to believe a government would conspire to do this but the evidence points to that.

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The Twin Towers should have been designed to withstand losing one column.

Also if there were fire alarms in the building it should have been evacuated much quicker.


I have not heard of the nuclear fission theory however i do know Manhattan will have a lot of asbestos floating about which will cause cancer. :(

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The Twin Towers should have been designed to withstand losing one column.

Also if there were fire alarms in the building it should have been evacuated much quicker.


I have not heard of the nuclear fission theory however i do know Manhattan will have a lot of asbestos floating about which will cause cancer. :(


Of course there were fire alarms in the building :loopy: did they help, of course not...did you see the planes :huh:

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Poppins we all saw the planes but they couldn't bring the THREE towers, yes three, most people don't know of building 7 and scientists have have collected the dust from the buildings and most of it has exactly the make up of what would be expected from nuclear fission. You see there were other facts which point to this too like molten metal below the debris days afterwards. There are plenty of metallurgists in Sheffield who will no doubt have trouble with the theory of avgas melting the steel columns since it can't produce anywhere near the heat required.

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I moved out in 99 to get my Master's degree. Under the programme you were then allowed to stay and work a year. During that time I met my husband, got married and am still there. I live in Southern California, so the weather is a great plus. Right now for example when the snow is ridiculous in Sheffield, I am wearing short sleeves and sandals!!! Still miss certain things and people of course. And even though we speak the same language, they are very different.

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