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Sheffield Clubbing/Music Predictions for 2007


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So what do you predict will happen in our fair city for the coming year?


What nights will succeed or fail this year?

What nights are you most looking forward to?

What DJ’s will rise out of the ranks and who would you like to see more of?

Will we see the closure of more venues or new ones open?


Discuss your clubbing predictions for the year ahead!!

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So what do you predict will happen in our fair city for the coming year?
difficult to say. all depends on the music and the fact we need a new generation of clubbers. i don't seem to see many new faces when i go out these days.

What nights will succeed or fail this year?
i think plug seem to be organised now and they keep getting some top quality dj's. it would be nice to see some more variation in nights. ricky chopra used to do a great night at takapuna called ear goggles, i'd like to see that come back. seems as though clubbing is at a bit of a crossroads a the moment. i would like to see some new sheffield talent and some dj's who are really willing to push themselves.

What nights are you most looking forward to?
any that i get to go out on and any where i dj which tend to be out of sheffield!

What DJ’s will rise out of the ranks and who would you like to see more of?
right now i honestly don't believe there are any dj's in sheffield who really want to excel. i really believe they are happy to be a big fish in a small pond. on saying that richard williams is a great dj with a real feel for it and he could move himself up given the right opportunity. liam c at matrix is a dj's dj and his skills aren't in doubt. he has a following and genuine passion for it, if he had the motivation he could do anything he wanted. i would also like to see bitter and twisted do something. they are genuinely lovely girls and i always get the feeling when they play they are holding something back. i think theres more of them to come. i would also like to see isko take to the decks and show us what hes all about .

Will we see the closure of more venues or new ones open?
i think that with uniq, plug, DQ and shhh we have enough venues. there are a couple i've not mentioned. i 'd like to see more from GC1 because as far as i know it has zero credibility amongst most of the clubbers i know and thats a shame. and i think limit might re-open.

Discuss your clubbing predictions for the year ahead!!
all in all it depends on the music. we've been lucky for the last couple of years and had some fantastic music. if that continues we'll be ok
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I reckon it's gonna be a good year all round.. Everyone i've been speaking to at other venues, all the promoters, everyone seems to have renewed enthusiasm..

I'd really like to see more people from outside of Sheffield recognising what goes on here, people used to travel from all over to come to events and it just feels a bit like we have a booming music scene and enough city centre hotels to be drawing a much wider audience..

Other than that I think smaller venues are gonna flourish this year.. (but then again, I would say that :D )


Here's to a good year ahead :thumbsup:

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