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I don't think I aspire to be high class. I aspire to be rich, but don't we all. And i'll probably end up, pretty well off. If I won the lottery tomorrow i might by a country mansion (is it a big jackpot?) and I already host cocktail parties and dinner for friends. What is high class, what is middle class and what is working class?


Money can not bring you class mate (can I still say 'mate' in this thread?), and no lottery win is going to make you upper class. Not even the 100 million euro draw.

Unfortunately I have one of the most common, grotesque sheffield accents around and i feel i am judged on it at times. There is nothing I can do about it. I see Sean Bean trying to do it all the time and it fails miserably. Now I just live with it.


My friends and work mates sometimes refer to me as 'class'. That'll do for me :)

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You, your children or their children will regret having aspirations to increase your material posessions and quality of life which cause huge amounts of unsustainable waste and pollution. Your aspirations to be of a certain class will matter only due to the fact that the same misguided aspirations got us into this industrial, overpopulated mess.

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I think you are talking about style not class


No I was talking about class. Here is an example.David and Victoria.They are 2 of the most famous people in the world , but from working class backgrounds, so, as I see it they are working class, but due to their fame and fortune, they are rich beyond anyones imagination.He plays foot ball and she tries to sing and parade around as though she is something special.

To me, the way that they behave is gross and in my opinion could never be said to be classy.they wear designer clothes and travel all over the world.


I was born in a working class background and so I am working class.However my children could be deemed to be middle class due to their upbringing, but as I was born working class, I dont see how I can be anything but .You can have a middle class lifestyle, but still be working class.


Anyway, as I take everything literally,middle class people work, so really they are also working class.

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You, your children or their children will regret having aspirations to increase your material posessions and quality of life which cause huge amounts of unsustainable waste and pollution. Your aspirations to be of a certain class will matter only due to the fact that the same misguided aspirations got us into this industrial, overpopulated mess.


no wonder your'e a lonely lad........:)

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Money can not bring you class mate (can I still say 'mate' in this thread?), and no lottery win is going to make you upper class. Not even the 100 million euro draw.

Unfortunately I have one of the most common, grotesque sheffield accents around and i feel i am judged on it at times. There is nothing I can do about it. I see Sean Bean trying to do it all the time and it fails miserably. Now I just live with it.


My friends and work mates sometimes refer to me as 'class'. That'll do for me :)


Same here regarding the accent, I have a good career and was brought up middle class but I have the most Yorkshire accent ever possible and I too feel I am sometimes judged on that.

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Same here regarding the accent, I have a good career and was brought up middle class but I have the most Yorkshire accent ever possible and I too feel I am sometimes judged on that.


but why do you think you are middle class?..because you have a good career!money,possessions,and do you use your yorkshire accent when speaking to clients....or only when talking to those you regard as w/class.....which you probably are wether you like it or not........i am w/class...always have been ...always will be...immaterial of any possessions i have.......and i won't say working class and proud of it....i'm working class and not ashamed of it.....what IS your definition of w/middle class?...........:cool:

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but why do you think you are middle class?..because you have a good career!money,possessions,and do you use your yorkshire accent when speaking to clients....or only when talking to those you regard as w/class.....which you probably are wether you like it or not........i am w/class...always have been ...always will be...immaterial of any possessions i have.......and i won't say working class and proud of it....i'm working class and not ashamed of it.....what IS your definition of w/middle class?...........:cool:


Not really thought about it to be honest, most of my friends said I had a middle class up bringing. I have the same accent no matter who I am speaking too I suppose I do relax my pronunciations when talking to friends etc, but I don't talk differently to people dependant on the perceived back grounds.

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i often have the difficult errand of having to visit those with recent sudden bereavement...either in order to administer the last hope of life in the form of emergency first aid, or to console the grieving family in their time of need, assisting in making contact with family members....

i recently had two such incidents whereby i arrived in order to assist in cpr..fortunately to be met my the ambulance crew already there....

on the first occasion, i visited an outer city council estate..family on a moderate income...house in need of repair etc...

the ambulance crew were great having done all they could in order to assist in giving the unfortunate casualty another chance..however this was futile....the casualty unfortunately died..the family were really upsett and i helped where i could...

on the second occassion i visited a outer city suburban home, well to do family, hard working on a high income with 2 new cars parked outside..again i as met by ambulance crew, who again tried with all their might to assist in giving the patient another chance at life...this was futile...the family were appreciably upsett and i helped where i could....


the conclusion i drew from this was no matter who you are, what you wear and how extravagent a lifestyle you live...we all meet the same end....

and when i come there is little difference in how you are treated, after all, if those that try their best in the last moments to save life were to consider age/sex/lifestyle/colour/well dressed or not etc...the country would be in dire straights...and so would we!


there is no difference in class, and there is no glory in money if you are not around to spend it. Do not look at the differences in people in order to discriminate, consider the similarities to make friends and companions...


after all..the things that you see are only skin deep.:)

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