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Story: 'A tale of two fridges.'


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Great story! Welcome to the group Phaedrus :wave: You have a nice flowing writing style. I could just imagine Bosch using that as an intro in one of their brochures.


It reminds me of the first time that I took a new girlfriend to a friend’s house. His mum was delightfully eccentric; she took me to one side and said in a low voice “Timmy has passed away, I was wondering if you and Amos could take him away.”


I knew what she was on about and said “No problem” – my new girlfriend was puzzled –Was Timmy a much loved pet? And who was this Amos? – I’d never mentioned that I had a friend called Amos.


Actually Timmy was a television and Amos was her name for my Cortina that took it to the tip.

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Nice to have you onboard Phaedrus, you will have to invite your old mate Socrates to join.

I have had a read of your writing, not bad for a novice, you stick with me son, I’ll show you how to go off, (private joke).

I do agree with you on the German culture thing, it’s just a pity their munitions were of the same quality 60 years ago, if not we would still have our Chip Shop.

Carry on the good work.


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I do agree with you on the German culture thing, it’s just a pity their munitions were of the same quality 60 years ago, if not we would still have our Chip Shop.

And yet I didn't think they built them to last in those days.


Sorry, they did build them to last, it's just that they tested them by dropping from a great height.

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