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Kingdom...what's it gunna be?


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So anyways... NO I am not a chav before all the Kingdom-haters get on my case, it's not my fault I like that sorta music but I agree it got a bit behind-the-times and needed to be vamped up, but what is it actually gunna be? Any ideas?


As I said I am no chav but like dance music and speed garage/ bassline but all the places that used to play that stuff (Stonehouse, Dikkins, Niche) have gone and unfortunately for some reason this sort of music seems to attract a lot of trouble and idiots. So back to listening to it in the house lol!


God how sad am I- used to love Uropa when I was 17-18. Gone. Could just about manage one drink in Berlins before- gone (not THAT bothered about this one!).... then it was Stonehouse (gone) Empire (still there haven't been in ages then Kingdom (gone) or Wow (gone). Mayeb sometimes Dikkins if we were feeling brave (gone).... I have never liked Republic/ Gatecrasher, can't stand Vibe for the atmosphere and trouble, don't like Banus or Leadmill and not a rocker girl so can't picture myself in Corp... where do I go next time I get a babysitter and me and the blokey wanna go down town?!!!!


X x X x

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