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Bar Max - West street, dangerous as it is ..


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I really ought to get this off my chest.. Riding a bike on any city street is dangerous enough, but it can be made worse by the idiots whom do not adhere to parking laws.


I've been cycling in Sheffield for a number of years now, I always adhere

to the law, and never ride on pedestrianised areas or paths.


As we all know, there are some road users that simply dislike bike riders

being on the road at all, and will make our lives hell if they can.


So, I wasn't surprised to realise that my polite suggestion to a 4x4

driver last year was not taken on-board.


During the Summer I nearly careered straight into the back of a Freelander

4x4 which was parked on a cycle lane just off West Street. (images available). This was not an isolated incident, and I've witnessed other

cyclists having to ride around this parked vehicle.


Quite recently, when confronted, Mr ***, the owner of

BarMax on West Street and the above mentioned vehicle, said "call the

police" I told him that I would notify the council instead, and he



I have since spoken to the council, and to Mr ** on several

occasions about this matter, and by his own admission, he simply doesn't

care enough to park elsewhere.


So, I decided to photographically record the offence, in the hope that I

can make other cyclists aware of Mr ***'s regular

parking activity.


Sheffield's cyclists please be aware of this inconsiderate driver's parked death trap.

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