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Part Worn Tyres,Would You Buy Them?

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what size tyre for £100 new?

on a part worn tyre you have to check if it had puncture repair! and check sidewall for damage, if a new one is £50 whats the point in buying a part worn for £20:huh: , the tyre is the only thing in contact with the road is saving a few £££ really worth it when it could save you/family life!

A properly fitted part-worn tyre that has not been damaged is as safe as a tyre that was fitted new with the same level of wear. I tend to change my tyres early these days because it's less inconvenience just to change the whole set even if they're not all worn, but when I was younger and strapped for cash I did use part-worns - and saved a good few quid at the time.

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A properly fitted part-worn tyre that has not been damaged is as safe as a tyre that was fitted new with the same level of wear. .

i agree but how often can you get a set of 2 same brand and wear on a part worn tyre? if you drive fast its makes a massive difference if you have different brand wear tyre on same axle, hence i would say no, as your/family safety is worth more then a few £££,



if you need reinforced tyres! thats more reason not to buy second hand as you dont know whats its been use for before and can have side wall damage, £25 buys you a 50%-75% worn tyre maybe, how much are you really saving? a galaxy carrys upto 8 people is it worth risking their safety for a few extra £££

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i agree but how often can you get a set of 2 same brand and wear on a part worn tyre? if you drive fast its makes a massive difference if you have different brand wear tyre on same axle, hence i would say no, as your/family safety is worth more then a few £££,



if you need reinforced tyres! thats more reason not to buy second hand as you dont know whats its been use for before and can have side wall damage, £25 buys you a 50%-75% worn tyre maybe, how much are you really saving? a galaxy carrys upto 8 people is it worth risking their safety for a few extra £££

Good thinking, you keep buying new, we will buy your hardly used tyres.

If you drive a tractor the mileage will be hardly any will it?

School run, and Sainsburys. Goodo :)

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why will i or any one sell their hardly use:huh: most part worn tyre are from scrape cars/crash damage cars, where do you think part worns from the sky? looneys changing tyres every 3 months:loopy:

if you dont value your own life/family/friends life then good luck kid but i think my life is worth more then the price difference between a new/second hand tyre

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why will i or any one sell their hardly use:huh: most part worn tyre are from scrape cars/crash damage cars, where do you think part worns from the sky? looneys changing tyres every 3 months:loopy:
Yes, that's exactly where most copme from. Many people find it easier to change a full set when, say, the drive wheels need doing but the other pair still have plenty of life in them. I did just that this week. Lots of people with company and lease cars abuse the service contracts in this way - the tyre providers are hardly going to say 'no we won't change that, it has life left in it' are they? Also, a lot come in from Europe where in some countries the minimum tread is deeper than ours so plenty of tyres come up used with 5-6mm of tread left.


if you dont value your own life/family/friends life then good luck kid but i think my life is worth more then the price difference between a new/second hand tyre
You'd have to be using a very dodgy tyre provided to be given a tyre with damage - repairs and sidewall problems can be seen from the inside even if you can't see them from the outside. I'd consider a used quality tyre to be a much better and safer option than a budget brand made out of cheap materials (with less grip) or a remould.
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in germany where most part worn are from they have legel limit at 3mm,

is it really worth fitting a tyre thats 5mm? yes its about half worn but they cant throw water of the road as good as a newer tyre, you have to change it more often, most of the time you cant get a matching pair,

half worn and cost £20

new tyre £60

are you really saving money??? when the tyre has given its best already, and will have just say 7000miles left in then

while a new tyre had 12000 miles in then

and the hassle of getting change more often

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thas why i put averge (just under half worn 5mm when its 9mm new),i use same brand/model tyre all round ( goodyear eagle f1) so i have matching grip on each axle and front and back, really depends if you value your safety more then saving a few £££,

i bet most people buying part worn tyres wouldnt buy second hand clothes!

so its more important to look good then safety behind wheel

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