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Lack of classy bars in Sheffield


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Today, I was in Leeds, and ventured into Browns, The Living Room, Slug and Lettuce and Prohibition. Why oh why does Sheffield lack elegant places like these where you can have a drink and not see the usual chavs and shaved heads brigade? Places like these also exist in Manchester, Liverpool and Nottingham, so is Sheffield such a dire and backward place that it doesn't deserve places like these?

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Today, I was in Leeds, and ventured into Browns, The Living Room, Slug and Lettuce and Prohibition. Why oh why does Sheffield lack elegant places like these where you can have a drink and not see the usual chavs and shaved heads brigade? Places like these also exist in Manchester, Liverpool and Nottingham, so is Sheffield such a dire and backward place that it doesn't deserve places like these?



Shaved heads brigade who are these, loads of professionals who probably earn more than you shave their heads. The bars you describe are probably Pretentious places where people buy one drink all night and try to pull a rich girlfriend/boyfriend. This is stereotyping exactly as you have done. Surely there are lots of bars in sheffield similar to these other cities try cafe rouge no chavs in there and a fiver for a drink.

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The bars you describe are probably Pretentious places where people buy one drink all night and try to pull a rich girlfriend/boyfriend. This is stereotyping exactly as you have done.

Talk about stereotyping :rolleyes::hihi:


And yeah, lets have more like 'spoons, Lava Lounge and Bungalows and Bears all over the place. :gag::suspect:

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Today, I was in Leeds, and ventured into Browns, The Living Room, Slug and Lettuce and Prohibition. Why oh why does Sheffield lack elegant places like these where you can have a drink and not see the usual chavs and shaved heads brigade? Places like these also exist in Manchester, Liverpool and Nottingham, so is Sheffield such a dire and backward place that it doesn't deserve places like these?



Sheffield has its fair share of classy establishments, we just don't have as many mullets and £300 t shirts, shame :thumbsup:

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Today, I was in Leeds, and ventured into Browns, The Living Room, Slug and Lettuce and Prohibition. Why oh why does Sheffield lack elegant places like these where you can have a drink and not see the usual chavs and shaved heads brigade? Places like these also exist in Manchester, Liverpool and Nottingham, so is Sheffield such a dire and backward place that it doesn't deserve places like these?




None of the places you mention are elegant. You do not know what elegance is. You would not be allowed in an elegant place. Elegance would be wasted on you.


Get back to The Chennels where you belong , you silly boy.

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Because we have much nicer bars that are independent or if not are still ok.. :thumbsup:


I go to different places depending on my mood. If I'm in a cocktail mood, I'll go to the Ivory or Bar 23. Boho is nice, as is the Wig and pen, it's just a shame there's not anything round them now and they are off the beaten track.


If I'm in my usual laid back beer mood, I'll go to the Green Room, Lounge, The Common Room, DQ all of which are great bars without any pretentious attitudes.


Then we've always got Eccy Road.


Surely Crystal, Ruby Lounge and Lava lounge cater for the OP taste?

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None of the places you mention are elegant. You do not know what elegance is. You would not be allowed in an elegant place. Elegance would be wasted on you.


Get back to The Chennels where you belong , you silly boy.

Never mind, Chennels would be too good for you :hihi:

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Surely Crystal, Ruby Lounge and Lava lounge cater for the OP taste?


and Sola Bar, Runaway Girl for instance.


Check out Leopold Square when it's finished. I'm sure there will be some classy bars/restaurants/cafe's in there.


I hope Sheffield doesn't go down the Leeds route i.e. all style and no substance. I much prefer Sheffield's independant type of establishments.

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