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Leg cramp - cause/solutions?

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Apparently drinking plenty of tonic water helps - quinnine I think? You can also get quinnine tablets, not sure if only on prescription though?


Hope this helps!


Thats spot on advice - my Dad suffers bad with leg cramps so much so he went to the dr's. The Dr advised him to take Quinine tablets and to drink Tonic water. It did help - not cured it but it has helped alot :)

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Thats spot on advice - my Dad suffers bad with leg cramps so much so he went to the dr's. The Dr advised him to take Quinine tablets and to drink Tonic water. It did help - not cured it but it has helped alot :)


I suffered from leg cramps for a while and was prescribed quinine. I stopped taking it when I read about the side effects and that it had been banned in the USA and some other countries.


Never knew what caused the cramps but they stopped after a few months.

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the guy earlier said it. It's lack of oxygen and it can be brought on by exertion - which is what has happened, in all likelihood, in your case.


Try drinking more liquids - it doesn't need to be tonic water btw - and the amount of quinine in tonic water these-days is next to nothing. It used to be put into Indian Tonic Water for export years ago when troops were suffering from malaria - but now it's just to keep the modern drink vaguely resembling the taste.


Keeping hydrated is the best prevention. If you do get cramp then changing your position (like you did by moving about and putting weight on the affected area) will help. The "cold step" is a bit of an old wive's remedy, the main benefit is movement and change of position. It is worth massaging the affected part vigorously as well as this will increase blood flow and increase blood flow means more oxygen getting to the affected part.


Finally, avoid things which restrict blood flow - like smoking.

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