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Anyone know the history of Broadfield Road?

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i lived on Broadfield rd in the late 60s the corner shop was Richies i remember playing on the gararges behind our house and playing on the river bank climbing on the old Red bridge which was closed some years later.

I remember the gearlands and Baylies who lived on Beadale rd.

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My grandma lived on Cutts Terrace when Ali Systems was there. In fact she was one of the last to move out from the area. She'd lived there during the war time as had my dad. I remember it being all terraced houses and somewhere abouts there was a great chippy. Wasn't there a Fine Fare on Heeley bottom back and the river used to flood?

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there was indeed a fine-fare. when it closed, Howells solicitors took it over, and then it became (I seem to think) some sort of Hire-place for plant (mixers, rotvators etc)


IIRC, there was a cinema on the site of the fine-fare, before it was the fine-fare.

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It was the Heeley Coliseum, PT, locally known as the bug-hut :D


The area alongside the river was always called the Prim when I was a kid, and the little gennel onto Abbeydale Road was called the Primrose Walk, iirc.


When the planning was given for the all the recent development alongside the river, I'm sure there were conditions attached asking for some access to the river to be provided. This somehow seems to have been interpreted as "cut down the hedge and build a 6 foot high stone wall all the the way along the road" :rolleyes:

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I priced up some demolition work for a company just off Broadfield Road called ,I think, Wolff Lighting. As part of the pricing up I had access to plansd which showed Wolff Lighting superimposed on an old map of the area.

This showed all the original streets, houses and shops as a "ghost" outline under the present day. It was fascinating.

We also had to dig some trial pits which revealed some of the debris from the old houses that had been used to infill the shelters.

Nothing too exciting - pottery, slates, bricks, tiles etc but still really interesting

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I have liked to have seen that, billyhill. According to the family history which we've had dug up, and then paid to have buried again lol, my maternal great grandparents lived in Broadfield Park Road, on two separate occasions, separated by a number of years living in Leeds :o .


Unfortunately, along with most other properties in Sheffield that my forebears ever lived in, the houses were demolished before we were aware of the fact.

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I use to live near the junction of broadfield rd and abbeydale rd there was a paper shop and a cobblers at the top.on the right the was a rag and bone yard with ponies. lot of the houses had small walls and there was sighs that the railings had been removed.Between the laundry and the milk depot the was a childrens clinic where you got weigh, orange+ milk tokens.

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I use to live near the junction of broadfield rd and abbeydale rd there was a paper shop and a cobblers at the top.on the right the was a rag and bone yard with ponies. lot of the houses had small walls and there was sighs that the railings had been removed.Between the laundry and the milk depot the was a childrens clinic where you got weigh, orange+ milk tokens.


Crumbs, you've just started me off. There was a Washhouse near Heeley Baths where women would go to do the family laundry ; next to it was the clinic that would dish out NHS orange juice and Cod Liver oil in those peculiar bottles with the high shoulder.


I wish my dad was still alive, if he was I'd come back and buy this town.:mad:

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Crumbs, you've just started me off. There was a Washhouse near Heeley Baths where women would go to do the family laundry ; next to it was the clinic that would dish out NHS orange juice and Cod Liver oil in those peculiar bottles with the high shoulder.


I wish my dad was still alive, if he was I'd come back and buy this town.:mad:


I remember the clinic. my youngest sister, when she was a baby, used to go there for her health-visitor checkups, and we'd pick up the SMA baby-milk and vitamin drops for her there.

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I remember the clinic. my youngest sister, when she was a baby, used to go there for her health-visitor checkups, and we'd pick up the SMA baby-milk and vitamin drops for her there.


You have got me '' up and running again '', PT.


I recall that hot choccy, and those ice drops from the machine at Heeley Baths. Thinking on, I can still smell the pink jollop that the powers that be used to put in the pool.


When I was a little lad I always wondered what '' Slipper Bath '' meant.


If I had discovered this forum years ago, I would have come back home. I've never really settled down south.


I might still try and buy this town, but I think that it's a bit too late.


Lost for words.:sad::cry:

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