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Wharncliffe Mountain bike tracks, DIG DAY


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Need to get this up ASAP, more details and plans will be going on soon but theres allready talk about it so we need to keep everyone interested in the right place.




Febuary 11th 2007

Top of the "Fast track"



Digdays will from now on be, Second Sunday of the Month- DOWNHILL as of Feb 11th.

XC dig days will continue to be the Last Sunday of each month carrying on from 28th January.


Its been said before but seems to be ignored, illegal building will cost us the woods so please don't do it- especially now we can build legally.

We're not trying to santitise anything, completely the opposite but we need everyone to do the work with singletractions permission or not at all.


This will be the first (ever) official Singletraction downill dig day to take place in Wharncliffe so we want to make it big and start how we intend to continue.

We currently only have permission to work on "Fast Track" A.K.A "Speedway" or "Bullwinkle" so will obvioulsy be working here.


Signs are on order from FC but we will probabaly have to make do with temporary signs for the 1st dig day as there is no timescale on their arrival from Forestry.


Untill materials are available for the ending we're going to work on the second biggest problem area of the track, which we believe to be the bog as you drop back left into the woods after the rocky entry.


We'd like a dual line through this section, one making the big boulder jump on the left part of the run by shallowing the angle of the take off and creating a landing.

The other a line which will avoid the jump completely taking you through a man made rock garden.

Drainage work is also essential and will take priority, this will simply be a case of attracting water away from that area by slightly cambering the edges away.


More detailed plans will follow shortly, suggestions are obvioulsy welcome for alternate lines/ features.


Diggers are welcome to just spend an hour or so digging then go off and ride the rest of the woods but obvioulsy the more turn up the more we get done.


We will be closing the track from 11am onwards untill we leave, please do not ride the track, their will be signs on the day warning people.


Please email wharncliffe-downhill@hotmailDOTcoDOTuk or visit wwwDOTsingletractionDOTorgDOTuk for more details or any questions


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To clarify,


There are two trail building developments at wharncliffe, the first as Chris has posted here is the Downhill trail building that will be 2nd Sunday of every month. Since lats year there has also been trail building of the new 14km Cross Country Mountainbike trail. The dig days for the XC are the last sunday of the month. The next XC dig is Jaunary 28th.


"2006 saw a great start to the new cross country trail at Wharncliffe and this year we hope to continue the success by opening up more KM's of all weather trail. Of course none of this has been achieved without the help of all the Volunteers who attended dig days, so please we really appreciate your continued support through 2007

If you fancy helping out for an hour or so its great to combine the dig with a ride too.


The first dig day of this year will be Sunday 28th 10:00am at the top car park.


This dig we will be working on,


First bridge over first gulley

Culverts in section 2

Bench cutting remainder of section 1

Clearing of trail in section 2 (not much benching needed in section 2) "

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can't wait for the bridge over the gulley :)


i would also add that the new xc track in the woods is amazing,come summer when its all done it'l one of the best places to ride (if it isn't already)

im going to try to blag a lift and get up and help do some digging,

remember we'l only get out of it .. what we put in,




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