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Spaghetti arms gone wrong


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'I can get out of this!'


A familiar thought for submission grapplers? I'll spin ye a tale of woe...


'Twas a windy night, as I faced my large and muscly nemesis


Despite a valiant standing effort, I was soon with my back to the floor, pinned under sixteen stones of beast... Soon to regret my ego - a technical advantage, I thought, would get me out of here.


Even when the key lock started to come on... 'If I just turn a tiiiny bit more, slip this knee through...'


Never heard a nastier popping sound - every head in the room turned round and I staggered off the mats in shock, despite feeling no pain at the time. It bloody hurts today!


Tap, kids. It's worth it.


Think I'll be out of training for a few weeks, nooo!

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