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What Martial Art


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I'm looking for recommendations on what martial art to go for.

I am applying to join the specials (police) and am wanting to start a martial art as a means of being able to defend myself against fists and weapons!

I am female and small! and really need to be able to manage to restrain big blokes.

I would appreciate any ideas and classes there are going in Sheffield


Sorry if you have this sort of thing posted often.


Thanks everyone

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Just as a side note, if I was fighting someone much bigger, I'd almost always choose to strike rather than grapple. Not sure that knocking suspects out would be a politic option in the police though.


If you're interested in being effective in practical terms, mixed martial arts is certainly the best out there. I don't know of any classes in Sheffield, I can recommend one in Manchester but otherwise it's harder work, you'd probably have to go to at least two different classes to get a comprehensive coverage.


Would recommend:



Thai boxing

Brazilian jujitsu (especially good for the restraining side of things)


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I think that the police will have their own training courses about how to restrain people. And how and when to use your truncheon.

Basically I would work on your all round fitness - running and cycling (you have to chase villains?) and upper body strength (weights) and circuit training.

There are a lot of threads on this site about the so called 'martial arts'. Are sheffield people so aggressive? It worries me that so many people want to spend their leisure time learning how to kick somebody in the head!:confused:

You'll probably meet some of them on duty, but don't worry they will hopefully be drunk!:(

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Hi - I would recommend KAPAP which is an Isreali special forces based reality combat system. Could be perfect for your requirements. You'll probably get lots of suggestions but most martial arts will not be suitable for your requirements. I have no vested interest in promoting KAPAP but know the instructors and have experience in MA. Try out a class & see what you think. Hand to hand, knife and gun defence are taught. The methods taught are tried and tested in real combat situation - no BS.


try the kapapsheffield.com website for more info





I'm looking for recommendations on what martial art to go for.

I am applying to join the specials (police) and am wanting to start a martial art as a means of being able to defend myself against fists and weapons!

I am female and small! and really need to be able to manage to restrain big blokes.

I would appreciate any ideas and classes there are going in Sheffield


Sorry if you have this sort of thing posted often.


Thanks everyone

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I really wouldn't go for anything striking based (whats that phrase - police brutality!) If you get into the habit of striking people then you will have to train yourself out of it when on the beat! Thinking about it I would probably go for Judo - it's reasonably effective and will give you an excellent workout and build up some strength :)

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