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What Martial Art


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i train in 3 styles, i train in freestyle karate, kickboxing and RGBJJ, i am a blackbelt instructor in karate and kickboxing and have only been doing BJJ for a short time now. i personally love stand up fighting because that is what i have been used to for the past 9 years but now doing the RGBJJ i love it as it is a different type of fighting all together. i wouldnt say that any style is the best as no one style will fulfill the goals of everyone, i think that the best style is the one which a person feels most comfortable doing and which benifits them most.

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so what martial arts do you do and why :?:


on another post some 1 stated that there martial arts was the best :loopy:

so why is your art the best :?:


i like grappling arts, BJJ and the like. why? it's not especially violent (i don't like violence!), and utilises technique over strength and size. i've also been fortunate enough to find two excellent clubs which i've trained at over the last couple of years, which is a huge factor for me (RGJJN @ Dronfield & Mark Hayes' JKD/CFA sheffield martial arts centre). i'm also currently dabbling in escrima, which is a well-rounded style and fun (although currrently hard to grasp!).


'best' is higly subjective - someone would have to define what they meant by that, but i'd certainly never claim that any art i do or have ever done is the 'best'. i prefer some styles to others, some clubs to others, but that's an entirely personal preference based on my enjoyment of the art and club, although i would have to say that for me, any art has to have at least some practical application.

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well not been doing it that long but kung fu - traditional shaolin longfist and 5 animal with (the potentially amazing) chi gung. kung fu is a marathon martial art, ideal age to start is 8 theres many styles, i study under 2 northern disciplines which tend to be more long to mid range with more kicks than some southern close/mid range styles. i think martial arts like kick boxing n tkd are better for those who want to compete in a sport- paticularly western friendly cos they embrace competition aspect largely and 'get stuck in'. I want to start xing yi quan/hsing yi in a few months- its an internal martial art which focuses on internal development (chi) and then builds on movement forms and routines. (kung fu is mostly forms/movements/ then building chi).. google some shaolin kung fu youtube vids and u wont fail to be amazed and humbled by the amazing dedication and results that can follow (iron jaw iron shirt iron palm etc) its a different story tryin to fit that into a 9-5 western life tho! still i hope to travel and train long term in the future.

hope that wasnt too self indulgent!

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I would have to disagree with you on the statement (kung fu is mostly forms/movements/ then building chi)

Kung Fu is for fighting full stop the forms r just a dictionary of movments that’s all.



I do kung fu as it allows me to adapt to what I want to do i.e. weapons, ground, pressure points, stand up, kicking and locking.

To me I find it more all rounded.

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no u misunderstand me its the opposite way round to xingyi in terms of what u learn.. by movement i forms i mean in a practical fighting sense. does that make sense? if i didnt see a practical essence to it then i owuldnt bother learning.


so have u done any chin na? something i think grapplers have difficulty gettin to grips with (literally!) although i have never learned any bjj judo or aikido methods

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Chin Na (Locking) is something like to play with but I like the stand up more than the ground stuff. I also like to play with not just the locking side but the joint manipulation and pressure point side also.


i think you should look at all points of training not just focus on 1 area.

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  • 4 weeks later...
so what martial arts do you do and why :?:


on another post some 1 stated that there martial arts was the best :loopy:

so why is your art the best :?:

I do both Aikido and BJJ. Aikido because it's very different to other martial arts and isn't necessarily about kicking the stuffing out of your opponent. BJJ because I enjoy the technical movements and the fitness aspects of it. (Plus I train with a great group!)


I'd agree with what Anvil said in that I don't really think that there's such thing as the 'best martial art', just what's best for the individual. Find something that you enjoy and that suits your personality. :)

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