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What Martial Art


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True, I think you need a minimum amount of experience in order to know what to teach (although I think coaching and teaching are subtly different).

Having a dan grade is normally an indicator of a certain level of experience, although not in a McDojo style. But you could be a 10th dan and still be a terrible teacher.

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to me in any martial art knowlage is most important its ok goin through a movement but if u cant apply it or dont know what its for whats the point. To many people think gettin a black belt means they can open a club and teach. Thats wrong it takes years of trainin dedication spirit and comitment


Belts are belts , its all down to standards.

One of my pet hates is when people who have been taught totally incorrectly come to your club and you have to undo all the incorrect instruction that was imparted by an idiot who taught them previously.


I have had people come to our club who say they have done "kickboxing " before and then have their guard by their chest(i.e. not on their chin) !!!


Or the same who come in wearing Semi contact mitts!!! :hihi:


Or to a lesser extent they do roundhouse kicks with their toes and not the shin and then go and hurt their poor tootsies on the bags .



If they are willing to learn PROPER kickboxing then im willing to teach them. If they want to carry on doing things wrong then it gets really annoying.

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i have seen that offten in training where the basics are not there and you have to spend time and teach them the basics and work up when if they had been taught properly in the first place this would`nt happen


Also it is harder to teach them to do things properly as well. Raw novices are easier to teach I would say.

Easier to teach strong basics than to correct poor technique.

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You know, you all should be thankfull, since you all sound really dedicated, learning in 'proper' real martial arts.


Not only that though, you should be kissing your own arse thanking Mista Miyagi for inventing mcdojos. Honestly, could you just imagine how bad your clubs would be if you had all these arm-chair warriors who talk the talk, dance the walk, and try and impress you with kewl words like 'dim mak' and 'tui na' and 'bruce lee' :hihi:


Face it. Mcdojo's serve a purpose, and whether you like em or not, they do keep in the riffraff from learning proper stuff! :D

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Can be an avenue to proper stuff too. Start off with wax on wax off with fifty nerds under a failed karate green belt, and work your way up to hitting each other really hard in the face with maces, or whatever your particular brand of realism is.

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