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Strange/Weird cafes/bars


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Im looking for something interesting, different. Getting bore of starbucks type places.


I have just moved from york and knew a fair amount of great places there, I just cannot justify getting a train there just for a drink.


Any suggestions?




On another note: Where can I get a decent shisha in this town? Have not seen anywhere that does them yet.

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Just a rundown of venues which are 'Gay' or 'Gay Friendly' that might be of interest to LGBT people and their 'straight' friends (Well, I guess 'Gay' is still a bit weird to many people);


Dempseys, Hereford St, the Moor: Open all day, does tea, coffee, food (till very late), as well as full bar and nightclub. Also does karaoke, quiz, even drag cabarets on occasions.


The Red House, Solly St. Not a gay pub as such, but hosts weird entertainment, DJ's solo cabaret performers, bands, etc.


Club Xes, Carlisle St. (Beyond the Wicker) : Pub-sized venue, only open nightclub hours, but has a TRANSVESTITE NIGHT on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th Friday every month. Door policy encourages generally only Gay/Lesbian/Bi people and transgendered, but well-behaved 'tranny admirers' should also be able to get in. See the following thread for details: http://www.sheffieldforum.co.uk/showthread.php?t=114173


'Fuel'. Well, just a normal average gay club really -again open only nightclub hours.


Lion's Lair, near Cole Bros. Gay-friendly pub, with food, tea, coffee as well as beer.


Ruskins: Again, gay-friendly pub similar to Lions lair.


Frog and Parrot: Real ale pub, also Gay-friendly, which every Thursday hosts ralp Razor's (Of Razor Stiletto fame) 'Poodle Parlour' retro DJ set.


Hope that little list will be of interest to all.

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What about Bungalows and Bears on Division Street. It used to be the Fire Station (well still is the same building obv!) and has been done out lovely. After a few (too many) it feels like your own living room. Bit pricey but worth a change and some decent music

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