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Should we have more information about Sex Offenders?

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I have never in my life read such drivel. You people talk as if you can justify these sick evil creatures. There shouldn't be any debate about where they are living cos they should be locked up for 10 years to make sure there's no mistakes them they should be strung up for the world to see that this is not acceptable. Before anyone jumps on me saying wot about kern crawlers or ppl who urinate in the streets I'd be very surprised if they would be put on the sec register for such a trivial thing.


Go and have a read in the papers then, google the sex offenders register and prepare yourself to be very surprised. Then come back and apologise for accusing people of writing drivel when you can't even be bothered to check if they're correct.

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Given that HMG will henceforth be offering asylum to the Globe's poor huddled masses of gays (courtesy of the Supreme Court) how long before they extend asylum to the Globe's paedophiles on similar grounds.


Don't be ridiculous.


Being gay is not a crime, being a paedophile is. A fairly well cut distinction that you seem to have missed. :loopy:

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They are simply saying that vigilante justice is not the answer.



Argueing the right to know what threats are in your local neighbourhood does not equal calling for vigilante justice either. That is misrepresenting the argument.

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Don't be ridiculous.


Being gay is not a crime,


Not any more, it isn't - it wasn't always like that.


being a paedophile is. A fairly well cut distinction that you seem to have missed. :loopy:


Some countries have different definitions of paedophilia. I understand that child brides are acceptable in some societies.

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We aren't talking about the past though. Being gay is not a crime in the UK.

Being a paedophile is a crime, so the comparison between offering asylum to people who may be persecuted because they are homosexual in no way implies that we would or will offer asylum to paedophiles. Which is what BritPat suggested, presumably in an attempt to equate or associate the two things.

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Perhaps we should do an asylum swap. Let in gay asylum seekers from places like Yemen, and our paedos can apply for asylum there where they can go and marry their child victims. :|


It's strange that some of these places persecute grown adults for being gay, yet allow paedophilia (by what we would call paedophilia - obviously in those places having sex with your 10 year old newly wed bride is the norm so don't call it paedophilia so I'm sure to the liberatti that means it's not paedophilia).




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The word actually refers to "before puberty" and is illegal in saudi too. They just don't use the same definition, they use what is actually the correct definition (there was for example a recent case where they beheaded a man for sex with a 4 y-o). Nature-wise of course, once you have gone through puberty you are of child producing age.


They got that bit right.

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