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Should we have more information about Sex Offenders?

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How do we find out if there is a sex offender living on our road. Cos I for one would like to know who to protect my children from.


Yeah, right!


Those bloody sex offenders!


Like that woman in Gwent. They showed her, didn't they?


When they found who was living there, they daubed her house with 'Paedo' in bright red paint!


Don't need that kind living here!


Well, they were nearly right. Paediatrician doesn't have an 'o' in it however.


The News of the World ran a campaign to 'name and shame paedophiles in the community.'


Both Gwent Police and Dr Cloete believe the only explanation is the "extraordinary ignorance" of the people who carried out the vandal attack.


Pity the News of the World didn't do a follow up article on thick people.


Should the people in that community be named and shamed?

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everyone wants to keep children safe, that's why we leave it to the authorities to deal with these matters


I agree it doesn't always work and the consequences are tragic when it doesn't


but it's better than the alternative


ok you just want to warn your kids to stay away from a particular person you think is a bit suspicious, they tell their friends at school, their friends tell their parents, their parents may not be as level headed as yourself plus they've got the chinese whisper effect from the playground and then take the law into their own hands


later you find out this person is completely innocent of any wrongdoing, however the other parents have already dispensed what they think is justice


if you have any suspicions then report them to the authorities and let them deal with it

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everyone wants to keep children safe, that's why we leave it to the authorities to deal with these matters


I agree it doesn't always work and the consequences are tragic when it doesn't


but it's better than the alternative


ok you just want to warn your kids to stay away from a particular person you think is a bit suspicious, they tell their friends at school, their friends tell their parents, their parents may not be as level headed as yourself plus they've got the chinese whisper effect from the playground and then take the law into their own hands


later you find out this person is completely innocent of any wrongdoing, however the other parents have already dispensed what they think is justice


if you have any suspicions then report them to the authorities and let them deal with it


Yes that is indeed the problem.

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"Sex offender" - no.


Bobo11 - Already pointed out, "sex offender" is not the same as "paedophile"


It includes,for example, boys who are younger than the girl they have sex with, but somehow in a mutually agreed act only the male is guilty of an offence.


But paedophiles are sex offenders. Just because a sex offender was not convicted of a paedophile offense, doesn't mean they're not a threat to children.


MJ, (and bobo) that's the "All dogs" argument.


All dalmatians are dogs therefore all dogs are Dalmations...


No. All paedophiles are sex offenders, but not all sex offenders are paedophiles.


I kind of like the implant idea that JoeP suggested, way back six years ago when this thread was fresh. If the person was like the paedophile we were discussing the other day, who is forbidden from approaching/ contacting under eighteen-year-olds, then that would be great.

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The is keeping your child safe and running around the streets with placards saying "pedofile out.


Normally its the latter when you find out someone with that kinda of conviction is living near by


So I ask you again where have I said that I would take the law into my own hands or are you speaking from personal experience????

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I want to keep my children safe, if that makes me wrong then there is something wrong with the world


But wouldn't you keep them 'safe' anyway Bobo? What aspects of their behaviour or your supervision of them would you change with that knowledge?


I do have some sympathy with what you say, discovering there's a convicted paedophile living next door might be a disconcerting discovery, but they're probably unlikely to poo on their own doorstep.


But as others have pointed out, they're there already, most of them behaving themselves, so I'll put my trust in the police and probation service who are responsible for monitoring them and reducing the risk to a minimum, it's knowledge that wouldn't help me and I'd end up worrying about something that might never happen.

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Another issue with the idea of outing sex offenders is where do you draw the line because surely we should also include murderers in this and burglars car thieves, people convicted of violent crime the list is endless.

Maybe we should have a online database into which we type our address and up pops a list of the various types of convicted criminals living in our neighbourhood that'll help us sleep better :loopy:, we'd all end up living in detached houses in the country with guard dogs and electric fences and we'd all need to have guns to defend ourselves against criminal pensioners living a couple of miles away.

No what we need to do is continue as we are if we know of anything happening let the police know and they can handle it as they should.

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Another issue with the idea of outing sex offenders is where do you draw the line because surely we should also include murderers in this and burglars car thieves, people convicted of violent crime the list is endless.

Maybe we should have a online database into which we type our address and up pops a list of the various types of convicted criminals living in our neighbourhood that'll help us sleep better :loopy:, we'd all end up living in detached houses in the country with guard dogs and electric fences and we'd all need to have guns to defend ourselves against criminal pensioners living a couple of miles away.

No what we need to do is continue as we are if we know of anything happening let the police know and they can handle it as they should.



What they said :thumbsup:

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But wouldn't public availability of seeing the register get rid of mistaken identity and ppl starting rumours. I'm not saying being able to see all areas but just the area that concerns your postcode as stated in the production of I.d

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