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New bar opened in Kelham Island - Fantastic!


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Looks to me a victory of "style over substance". I may be wrong, but any public drinking establishment that is so embarrassed by the word 'pub' that it calls itself a 'bar' is not the kind I'd feel comfortable in.


And if you go to all the trouble of setting up a fancy website but can't even be bothered to say what beers are on handpump (what on earth is "Kelham"), I can see many potential customers heading round the corner to the Fat Cat or Kelham Island Tavern instead.


I see what you're saying, I think that the phrase 'pub' doesn't fully explain the character of the place, but yes, it is a pub and restaurant. Personally, I think that the phrase 'bar' explains what the style of the place is.


The place is VERY different to the Fat Cat/ Kelham Island Tavern and I am a very good customer of both these places which are simple traditional english pubs, but its also nice to have a change and have a modern stylish bar that offeres a slightly different style.


I mean you can have good coffee's, brunch, etc. The food is all cooked in the restaurant, (not like the tavern's pre packed meals) and they offer tapas!


You really can't compare the Milestone to the Fat Cat or the Tavern as they are completely different styled places catering for different markets. Personally I like both. If I just fancy going to the pub in my trainers and having a ham sarni, I'll go to the tavern and play the the dogs who also frequent there, If however I want to get dressed up and have a nice meal I can go to the Milestone.


If you want to watch the footy on a sat, the Milestone have HD plasma screens........:thumbsup:

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If you want to watch the footy on a sat, the Milestone have HD plasma screens......


Oh dear, I have gone of the place already. :|


Still, I will go and sample a pint of their generic 'Kelham' (whatever it might be) and suss the place out laters (unless they have the TV on, then I won't bother).

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Oh dear, I have gone of the place already. :|


Still, I will go and sample a pint of their generic 'Kelham' (whatever it might be) and suss the place out laters (unless they have the TV on, then I won't bother).


when I went last night the tv had the news on (but muted) and they had candles on all the tables and soft jazz music playing in the background.


Kelham rider is the locally produced ale from the Kelham island brewery! Very nice!

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Well we called in - had a decent pint of Pale Rider.

The place still felt very 'new' - the smell of paint was very evident and the dining area hadn't been opened but it has a lot of potential.


Not what you expect for the area but it was a pretty chilled, relaxed atmosphere (except for getting pestered by the waitress twice to buy another drink) so I expect we will be calling in again. :) Not dissimilar to the Wig & Pen in town.

Shame about the silent TVs though, very off putting.

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I think they are serving food - there's a very good menu on all the tables and we saw some people eating when we were in the other night.


As for the waiters coming to ask if you want a drink, I quite liked this - saved us having to get up to go to the bar.

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Looks to me a victory of "style over substance". I may be wrong, but any public drinking establishment that is so embarrassed by the word 'pub' that it calls itself a 'bar' is not the kind I'd feel comfortable in.


And if you go to all the trouble of setting up a fancy website but can't even be bothered to say what beers are on handpump (what on earth is "Kelham"), I can see many potential customers heading round the corner to the Fat Cat or Kelham Island Tavern instead.


Have you even visited the bar before badmouthing it and picking faults?


You must be related to Mary Whitehouse.

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Why do places leave the bloody TV's on all the time? Even worse in some ways if the sound is off as your still drawn to it. The broadfield is bad for that, it has 2 rooms, the TV's should be on in the games side and not in the other then people have a choice.

Sorry, a bit off topic. I Live in Burngreave so shall check this place out as it sounds interesting.


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