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New bar opened in Kelham Island - Fantastic!


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Won't be bothering going there again much after this evening, unless we are passing by for a pint.


A group of us got a taxi there for some tea rather than eating in town - no Dining Room menu, no 'Gastro' menu - just pizzas and tapas. The whole lot is overpiced to start with, but some choice would have been nice (and would have made us stay). If its a reduced menu on a Sunday then fine - but please make it clear before people waste their time and money.


Not impressed.


same here meaks, called in on saturday around 6ish, not my cup of tea, after all the hype we expected better, still you cannot please all the people all the time, we stick to the ship and dove and rainbow.

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Didn't have the Jaipur, tried the other beer, can't remember what it was but never had a bad pint there.


The Ship and Dove and Rainbow are both good boozers and serve good quality beer. They are a different type of pub so not really comparable.

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Presumably it did n't match Fridgemans quality standards as measured by "the Ship and dove and rainbow".



quite right, it certainly did not match up to my standards as already stated "not my cup of tea" i like my pubs to be traditional PUBS i.e gardeners rest,black cat,riverside,kelham island,queens ground,shakespear, it would be a very boring world if we all liked the same thing.

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I have read this thread with interest for a few reasons, firstly I like the area and would support anything that can add to this up and coming part of Sheff. Secondly, I sort of work indirectly with the trade and am always interested in new concepts, ideas and how Sheffield is coming on compared to other cities.


My overall opinion is 'its alright but could do better'


Why do I say this, well here goes.


1. On approaching the bar, the first thing I noticed was that you could see straight through the windows (Doh, thats what they are for!) No, what I mean is that there were no blinds, frosting, drapes etc... to add a little interest, it looked really bare and sterile. You could see all the people in there, but it looked a little odd. I personally would not want to be gorped at whilst eating a meal in there.


2. The decor and style has been done before, many times and adds nothing different to the Sheffield scene (Boho, Wig & Pen, Ivory etc...) I can see it will cater well for the legal eagles of Shef and thats who were mainly using the bar when I went in (Lunch Time). Nothing struck me as being unique to the bar, it does not have a signature as such. As you walk in there is some shelving on your left, pigeon hole type things, with nothing in except several leaflets? Its a feature, use it. It just added to an overall 'its not finished yet' feel.


3. The real ale - There were 2 on, Kelham Island Pale Rider and Jaipur. Now a minor point, but, these are 2 light ales, one being a very high ABV. I would like to think that they could put something on below 4% for the lunch time trade and at least one darker ale to suit most tastes and strengths. I had the Pale Rider, which was spot on, I just prefer a darker ale, after all its still winter.


4. The Food - I chose the steak ciabatta and was not disappointed, the steak was well cooked, the overall dish well presented and very tasty. My only grumble, but a very minor one, is that the ciabatta was so large, it was impossible to eat as a bun, sandwich. I only managed the bottom half and used my knife and fork which seemed a littel strange. As I said a minor grumble.


5. The Service - This is where they excelled, I thought it was spot on. The first thing that happened which is the most simplest and rarely done, was that I was acknowledged when I was waiting at the bar. I like this and straight away felt confident I was going to recieve tip top service. The guy behind the bar (forgot name) clearly knew his trade, I could just tell how he did things, pouring wine, making coffees etc.. He was very polite and chatty which made me and others around feel really at ease, he was a natural with customers. There was another girl on, but i had no contact with her, so no comment on her, although she seemed just as competent. Just a small thing, but when I asked for a newspaper, he politly asked another customer if they had finished, re folded it back in its original state and handed it to me as if it was new. Now again, these are very basic points and should always be done, but it suprises me how often it isn't. (Yes I have run bars and I have high standards).


6. TV's - A tough one in a bar like this. Well here is my view. During lunch there should be quite background music to match the venue (to be honest I did not notice if there was any ! Doh!) As far as the TV is concerned I feel it should be on, however, with no voulme and a neutral feed, like a looping ambient graphics or a professionally made DVD representing the local area, what the bar can offer etc... As much as I do not like to see TV's showing standard TV channels (unless live sport) I also feel a blank TV is a waste. Its a valuable medium to get so much across and add to the atmosphere, use it, but wiesly.


7. Parking - No fault of the bars, but it was full everywhere, I appreciate there is building work going on, but it can only get worse when the flats are fully open. Get on the tram if you want to go.


8. I am personally not keen on your change been presented on a plate. Having said that I have mixed feelings. The neg side is that you feel a little compelled to leave a tip, I understand it may be the done thing if you are eating, but if I am just buying a beer, it just feels wrong. On the other side it can be seen to add a little class to the joint. A tough one, people will have mixed views on this.


9. I was sat at the bar and could see right through the door at the end to all the bins, not the best view whilst eating. Oh they need emptying, they were full. A good point , it must mean they are busy! Perhaps some frosting would help.


I hope some of this helps, I never like to come across as negative and always try to suggest an alternative. Overall, I like the place and hope it does well. Whenever there is a new independent bar in Sheff, I like to support it and I have already told my friends about it, so hopefully they will get some more custom.


Good Luck

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quite right, it certainly did not match up to my standards as already stated "not my cup of tea" i like my pubs to be traditional PUBS i.e gardeners rest,black cat,riverside,kelham island,queens ground,shakespear, it would be a very boring world if we all liked the same thing.


Shakespeare !!!! Nuff said, what a ***** hole, you need a tattooed neck just to walk through the door

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