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Story: 'Modern Medicine in the Village.'

Gypsy Hack

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Sometimes, when I'm stuck for other things to write, I'll take a trip down to the Village and see what the locals are up to. Last time I went, seemed like a certain new guy had set up shop. A Sheffielder, no less. Now, no-one can say anything about this, because (as you'll discover) a lot of people in Sheffield would be verrrry interested to know the whereabouts of this surgeon. And I just couldn't let that get out.


Me? I suppose I have some influence in what he does, being that he's an old friend of mine. You could say I'm the only one he listens to... But let's be clear, I don't control the Village. All what you're about to read, I'm only reporting. You got ideas to help our surgeon, tell me, but I can't guarantee they'll get through. Yeah, I'm the only one he listens to, but it's not like he listens to me all the time...


Modern Medicine in the Village.

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I love this type of scenario, GH. To me it's set in a sort of "other" dimension, a bit reminiscent of Pratchett's Discworld with touches of Huck Finn and Tom Sawyer.


I can read this sort of story forever, and never tire of it.


Please, can we have some more of this one? I love the "wonky" world you have created. :)

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