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Pyrex no longer made of Pyrex (and potentially dangerous)

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Maybe this is old news, but it's new to me and probably worth sharing. Corning, who invented Pyrex sold their kitchenware range to a company called World Kitchen Inc.


Pyrex kitchen products produced by World Kitchen are no longer made from borosilicate glass (Pyrex) but from Soda-lime glass and their packaging indicates that they must never be used over a flame, on stove tops, under a broiler, or in a toaster oven.


Seems like there's been a lot of complaints of exploding cookware since the change over -



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Pyrex is only a brand name that has become a term for heat resistant glass.

The process was around before Pyrex used it.

It is misleading as the name Pyrex has become a household word for high quality heat resistant glass.

It looks like it's gone the way of things like 'hoover'. Where we call something by it's brand name, but anyone makes it.

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yes, but Pyrex was a trade name for borosilicate glass. When the new owners of the name took it over they substituted the less heat resistant soda glass which cannot now be used over an open flame or under a grill like the old stuff.


Do you feel cheated?

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Reminds of the old joke, the two road workers sent the lad out to buy a dish to warm their food up over the burner.

Being a bit simple he went to the Chemists, and by that time had forgotten the name Pyrex.

He said, I cant remeber the name, But it begins with a P or a D and ends in X.

The Chemist daid 'Do you mean Durex'.

The Lad replied 'Aye thats it, but make it a big un cos theirs three of workin' on 'ole :hihi:

(Gets Coat as they say :hihi: )

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Pyrex is a brand name of borosilicate glass introduced by Corning Glass Works in 1915. Though borosilicates had been produced before, the name Pyrex is widely used as a synonym for the material. Corning spun off its kitchenware division in 1998, and the Pyrex brand is now owned by World Kitchen, Inc. this is no longer the case as Arc International Have bought pyrex in 2006.

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It clearly states on the packaging that the new Pyrex is not to be used in certain ways; don't people read things anymore?


No I certainly wouldn't! I have used Pyrex for many years and so I would just buy a new Pyrex dish if I broke the old one and expect it to do the same job. Brand names are useful in that they let you know you can trust the quality of an item, we are always being told not to buy counterfeit goods as these might be of an inferior quality. In this case this is certainly a huge con that should be more widely publicised, and I would also like to know how I buy the real thing or the equivent from another maker.

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