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New Nightclub To Be Called - Void

Fuzzy Duck

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The Large nightclub next door to Club Shhhh is to be named VOID.


The club is set in two 40 foot high arches under railway lines, at Wicker.


With a 20k+ Sound system in the smaller of the 2 arches this nightclub really does bring the meaning of Underground to the dance scene.


More information about their opening night can be found here

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what a suprise, another dance nightclub.


This club certainly isn't just 'another dance nightclub'.. it's quite unique in the fact that it's more 'Underground' orientated and has an after party venue (Club Shhhh caves) literally 20 ft away. Also facilities are being fitted to enable live bands to play to crowds of up to 1800 people in the main arch.


Not only that, the long term project includes turning level 1 and level 2 of the nightclub into a community centre and having the nightclub on level 3.


With a Coffee shop in the near future planned next door to the club as well..


So I wouldn't call the place a nightclub but more of an entertainment complex

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oh yes sorry buffy i did not cum too the white bear last Fri but had to pay out £86 on the guinea pig at the vet that was my drinking money gone just like that !!! to have his teeth done and claws clipped

i only took £20 and hoped to get change

am now training to be a vet. that's where the money is :thumbsup:

just went on link and must say i would rarther pay to have the guinea pig done than go there :gag:


sorry fuzzy duck its a metalhead thing:headbang:

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