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Tigger Tor 2007 (10 Mile Fell Race)


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Is anyone doing the Tigger Tor this weekend or has done it before? I was out running around The Fox House last night and there was around 1 foot of snow aound Higger Tor!


This is my first attempt at a fell race, will it be obvious which way the route goes or shall I just follow the runners ahead of me?



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Hi Pawa,


I'm running it this year. My pictures from last year's race are at http://www.onthefells.co.uk


This is my first attempt at a fell race, will it be obvious which way the route goes or shall I just follow the runners ahead of me?


It's a tough race I think and there's certainly an element of navigation. On the other hand, there will be around 300 hundred runners so as long as you're not likely to get hopelessly tailed off (like me), you should usually be ok.


I did a full reccy of the route from 1 Fell Gate to 9 Houndkirk Hill on Sunday, pm me with you email and I'll send you a copy (I would post it here but I suspect it is bad etiquette to do that for a nav race).


For me, the hardest navigation is across Burbage Moor - go wrong and you'll find it impossible to get over - but as it is early in the race I imagine there will be a nicely packed "snake" to follow!


Good luck - the snow is going to make it very tough indeed. Forget Higger, that bit will be easy, it is Houndkirk Hill you've to fear. Horrible.


Rich Knowles.

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Thanks for replying Rich,


I've now entered and have bought myself a bumbag to carry the essentials.


I'm not worried about getting lost, my navigation is pretty good being a scout leader. I was concerned about cutting corners against the rules, but from what I've read we have complete choice of route even if that is off the track and through the heather.


Also I'm unsure what is meant by "full windproof body cover must be carried". I'll be wearing full length Ron Hill Tracksters and a long sleeve running top. Will we be required to carry something more substantial such as waterproofs?





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Yep, you can run whereever you like as long as it isn't road (except for the marked section from the Rugby club to Fell gate and back). I'll probably be doing the opposite: I'll be taking long cuts to try to find the best running ground.


(oh, and jumping fences or walls without a style is not allowed - so be careful if you're taking a very direct route across Burbage - there's a long fence not marked on OS25k where the marked rocks are.)


They're always vague about exactly what constitutes "wind proof full body cover", its all down to the organisers on the day really.


My rule of thumb is to make sure that you're carrying everything you would need if you were to turn an ankle and were immobilised in wet clothes for any length of time. I'll be carrying a pair of windproof overtrousers in the bumbag and I've also got a new waterproof running jacket.


They could possibly also insist on gloves and hat.


There's a thread here which might help http://forum.fellrunner.org.uk/showthread.php?t=210

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I'll just take along more than equipment than I need, I can always leave it in my car if it's not needed.


I won't be anywhere near the front so I think the route will just be a case of follow the leader.


Thanks for the information, have a good run.



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That was one of the toughest races I've done so far. I'm kind of glad that the last minute route change kept us from running directly from the ox stones across burbage moors. Even though I walked that bit yesterday, through all the snow, for nothing.


I came in at a respectable 1hr44m, I'll have to do more training on the uphills though, I got overtaken loads on them.


They didn't check my kit at any point though, I guess the threat of a possible check at the end was enough to make most people carry all of the required equipment.


The navigation was not a problem at all, the map and compass didn't leave the bumbag. I just followed the other runners the whole run.


The first fell race of many, I'm now registered for the series!



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Yeah, I enjoyed that - shame about losing Burbage, it would have been fun.


I'm much slower than you, but I plodded around in just under 2hrs, but I'd expected longer so I'm quite pleased. I really ought to get some hill training in too.


Check out the Trunce in March in penistone; it's much shorter but good hill practice and the race runs every three weeks so you get a chance to check progress.


Try the Crowden Horseshoe in May for an even scarier race.


The next few races are a bit simpler, but the ExTerminator in September will be a killer!!

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