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This Sat After Party 3.30- 7am


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should be a Good night! Sheffield needs summat like this for us party people that dont wanna go go home at 3 inthe morning. i say get yourselves down there an make this night a success or thats exactly what we'll be doin! GOING HOME AT 3 IN THE MORNING :thumbsup::cool:

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should be a Good night! Sheffield needs summat like this for us party people that dont wanna go go home at 3 inthe morning. i say get yourselves down there an make this night a success or thats exactly what we'll be doin! GOING HOME AT 3 IN THE MORNING :thumbsup::cool:


very true! sheffield needs to be more in focus with what other cities are doing although we arent doing too bad considering! good luck i hope its a success as UNIQs are :thumbsup:

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its been tried before at ncpm but didn't really work, maybe this would


Insomniacz was many things (and not my idea of a good night/morning out) - but there's no denying it was a success - there was almost 2000 folk rammed into the old NCPM on some Sunday mornings. I agree that things have moved on a bit from then though & I think the days of big after parties have gone - but a smaller place catering for a specific crowd after a big night might work.

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There is a market for this kind of thing just not in Sheffield, apart from maybe after big events. Sheffield is for far behind other cities in terms of clubbing & music, for example in Leeds they have been weekly running after clubs for years now and you can garuntee they'll be busy every week, glasshouse, stinkys, vvwrong i could go on!!


Nights such as Technique, Ayslum, & Dirty Disco are booking unbeliveable DJ's & Acts that if they were on here in Sheffield no one would have a clue. eg:




3rd of March @ Technique - Minus Party- Gaiser, Troy Pierce, Marc Houle

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Insomniacz was many things (and not my idea of a good night/morning out) - but there's no denying it was a success - there was almost 2000 folk rammed into the old NCPM on some Sunday mornings. I agree that things have moved on a bit from then though & I think the days of big after parties have gone - but a smaller place catering for a specific crowd after a big night might work.
i'm not talking about Insomniacz! there was a funky house after party that only ran for maybe 3 months at ncpm 3-7am. people like paul cox and greg c and greg newton were djing it but it never lasted long.
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