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Toddler food-suggestions please

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At the minute he has mashed up veg or pasta or rice, beans/spag on toast-Has anyone got some sugguestions? Hes vegi. Ive been told to go to the caribbean market stall in castle market as she sells lots of diff veg-has anyone been there?

And what about dessert? he must get sick of fruit/custard/rice pud

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How old is he again? I'm sorry to be so forgetful. Is he still taking all mashed up food?


My smug-mummy meal is home-made vegetable soup, which is very easy and quick - bearing in mind I am not very big on cooking, and I don't have much time...I'd give you the recipe, but I use bacon in it as I am no longer veggie.


I also do the tins of macaroni cheese/spaghetti/beans on toast, and I sometimes mix steam-in-the-bag veggies in with the macaroni cheese to make cheesy vegetable pasta (cos it helps ease my guilt at using tins, lol).


I also buy cauliflower grills or vegetable fingers or fish fingers, and if I'm in a rush use those fabulous steam in the bag veggies again. Then potatoes or plain pasta makes a balanced meal. Cosycub has always adored baked potatoes and pasta with just about anything, which also makes life easy.


If you have some pasta, spinach, cream cheese, snow peas and anything else that sounds nice together, you can throw it all in a wok for a quick yummy and healthy stir-fry...but of course it's not so good mushed up...


Pudding is terribly boring. I have trouble getting enough milk into him and he is a freak-baby who doesn't like rice pudding, so it's yoghurt or fromage frais, and/or fruit. And he seems perfectly happy with that.


I don't know what your nursery does, but ours feeds them great healthy meals rather than sandwiches, which takes the pressure off counting the old vegetables. If I'm going into town I do a pack up, usually with sandwiches, but something else he enjoys is a selection of cut vegetables, cheese, yoghurt, fruit, breadsticks, houmous, ham and raisins etc all on one plate...and he eats them all up in order according to colour, lol.


Possibly none of that helps. I hope some of it does. Thing is, I haven't got time to be too picky on the one hand, but share an office with the 5 a Day team on the other, lol...so it's all quick and easy and fairly balanced with a smattering of guilty convenience foods.


Do you think it would be useful to have a recipe thread?? I've got masses from work (unsurprisingly) which sound great, and other people may get more use out of...

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I make a lovely carrot and almond soup which is a Gillian McKeith recipe and Draggleshanks loves it - boil 5-6 chopped carrots, one sweet potato, 2 celery stalks, 2 onions and garlic for 25 mins in veg stock or water, blend to make smooth and add 100g ground almonds.


His other favourite is mild curry made with cauliflower, courgettes, onions etc. and chick peas or lentils, creamed coconut/yogurt and mild curry powder. I mix rice into it as he won't eat that on its own. If I chop the veggies fairly small in any kind of stew he likes picking them up to eat, and prefers that to having them mashed.


I too give yogurt or fromage frais with fruit for dessert, as he won't eat rice pudding. The only other thing he has occasionally is flapjack which he wolfs down. I know - full of sugar - but it's an occasional treat!

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Niecelet has always loved variations on a theme of shepherds pie. If she's with me then she usually gets the meaty version, but since big sis is veggie, at home she has versions made with assorted veg, pulses and beans under the mashed potatoes with onion gravy.


If you chop everything up small then they eat all the veg down with the potato without even thinking about it, and you can batch cook vast quantities of it, and freeze little portions in food boxes for when you're busy.

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