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Toddler food-suggestions please

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pepperonata is a sort of thick pepper sauce/stew our little one loves it. heres the recipe



equal amounts of red and yellow peppers (don't use green they lose their colour and go a bit slimy)

1 large onion

1/3rd of a standard chilli pepper

3/4s pint of chicken/veggie stock




olive oil


sea salt



finely chop the onion, rosemary and garlic


deseed the chilli pepper and very finely chop


slice the peppers into even strips


heat some olive oil (about a tablespoon) gently in a pan and add the onion, sweat the onion until it releases its juices


add the garlic, rosemary and saffron, season and continue to cook gently for a minute


add the peppers and stir well coating the peppers in the onion mix


add the chilli and the stock


at this point give it a taste, it won't taste of too much but you'll get the idea


bubble for at least an hour, uncovered and reduce the stock away. once you're left with a sort of thick chunky sauce stew, turn off the heat and leave it for at least an hour before you serve it.


its actually even better if you leave it overnight


this is also superb with fish! enjoy it

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  • 3 years later...

My almost 22 month old has become really fussy when it comes to food, she won't eat anything much at the minute. Anything anyone can suggest that she may find appetising. She likes chicken but she has a bit of a wheeze on her chest, so not sure if this is the reason she isn't eating. Plus she is teething again, she will eat porridge but I have to sit her on my knee or she will not eat it. Can anyone :help:.

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  • 5 months later...

My 18 month used to be a great eater, and now....not so good. I used to be very proud of his whole pear eating skills. I suppose the often get a bit fussy as they realise they have their own mind. Also, all four eye teeth seem to be coming through and we're having terrible problems. I'm hoping that when they are through he will be a bit more interested in food. There is surely only so much stuffed pasta one small child can take. It doesn't feel a very balanced diet at the moment.

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My little one completely lost interest in anything he had to chew alot when he was about 20 months old so we have had same old same old for a while but gradually introducing more and more back into his meals (not making too much fuss)


One of his favourites is ravioli (tinned or fresh) with a slice of garlic bread and side salad. He also loves homemade lasagne which of course can be made veggie. Fish pie is another if you eat fish but if not you could make a cheese sauce with veggies in and top with mashed potatoes or even sweet potato for variety.


I think it was cosywolf that mentioned a plate of bits and bobs of food, this goes down a treat with Lew at lunchtime, especially when he has been busy playing outside :) It has also helped to get more fruit down him and try new foods.


He also likes crackers and cheese topped with branston pickle.

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Why are you making your child a veg-i, its something he must decide for himself when he gets older.


What an ignorant comment.


Both my children (3 and 1) are being brought up veggie. Yes it's a choice every person should make for themselves, whether they eat meat or not, but as a parent you make the choice until your child can. Why are you forcing your children to eat meat when they don't understand what it involves? I was brought up eating meat and I wish I hadn't eaten it. If my children decide to eat meat then that's their choice. I doubt they will look back and wish they had never been veggie.

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