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Easy (and cheap) Family Food Recipes - share here!


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Right, inspired by Nataliesheff's thread about ideas for feeding toddlers...post your cheap and cheerful, family-friendly, easy to cook recipes here! Most of us have at least one 'quick fix' family meal, and if we all share ours, we'll all have several at our fingertips, hoorah!


I also have some recipes the 5 a Day team have handed me I could pass on. So anything useful like that, and hints and tips for feeding those pesky people in your house with the least fuss possible, always welcome.

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This isnt necessarily a 'quick fix' recipe, but something that my mum taught me; in order to make a pack of mince last longer and go further mix it with an equal amount of cooked red lentils when you cook it. the lentils take on the flavour and texture of the mince, the mince goes twice as far and its a great way to get the littleuns to eat lentils if they are fussy :) its also lots cheaper than buying twice as much meat :)


it works for pies, shepherds pie, bolognaise etcetcetc :)

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Vegetable Soup - Veggie and Carnivore varieties



Stock, veggie or meat (I use cubes and add no further salt)

Bacon, smoked or unsmoked (optional)


Vegetables - to personal taste (or in my house, whatever's going off):







I cut up all the vegetables (except the onion) into easily eatable chunks for a toddler (if you're going to food process it, it doesn't matter) and dump them into a large pot. Then I chop up the onion and bacon (if using) and brown them in a frying pan before adding them (two to three bacon rashers for a flavour base, or more to make it a nice bacon and veggie soup). Then in with the stock - the more you use the runnier it will be. I like it chunky so I only cover the veggies one third to halfway...they will add their own juices.

Cook on a medium heat for 30-45 minutes (I like to let it go a while so all the potatoes are starting to break down and it's all thick and lovely.

It's twice as good reheated the next day!




I like this because it's easy enough to abandon preparation when a rampant toddler comes rushing in with a desperate need to play/have nappy changed/be comforted...you can always come back to it later. Also it cooks itself once it's all in the pot, so again, kids rule.

I often do it on a weekend while waiting for the Daddywolf to get up and cosycub is playing with his toys, using all the vegetables I bought with good intentions that are starting to go off :D

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i'll edit to add the details when i've got them in front of me, but babybabychickens loves her minestrone soup, and somewhat surprisingly, i found that when i ate her un-pureed leftovers, it was some of the nicest and most fulfilling food i've eaten for ages. took a bit of preparation, but freezes well, and uses up all those lurking vegs at the bottom of the fridge. soooo much nicer than the bought version, too.


chicken and mushroom gratin is pretty good, too - cook some chicken, mix in a dish with some mushrooms/onions/perhaps a little garlic that has all been browned and then had milk added until runny, then put breadcrumbs on the top, followed by grated cheese. bake in oven.


yum yum yum

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Tuna Casserole


One of my Mum's standbys...am cooking it right now. It's all tins, lol.



one tin condensed Cream of Mushroom soup

One tin chopped tomatoes

One tin sliced mushrooms

One tin sliced green beans

One tin sliced carrots

Two tins tuna



Pack cheese and onion crisps


Cook the pasta (about 3-4 handsful). Fill a casserole dish with the contents of the tins (drained), season to taste. Add cooked pasta. Stir. Cover with grated cheese and/or crisps. Heat oven to 200 degrees and cook covered or uncovered for 30-35 minutes.


Quick and easy, and once again one you can leave to deal with errant child/husband. You could also replace the tinned with fresh ingredients...but this is one I have my cupboard stocked for in those days when nothing much else is left except tins.

It's yummy, too. I have actually fed it to guests...

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Our quick and cheerful standby is corned beef hash


1 tin corned beef

1 tin tomatoes

1 tin baked beans

1 onion

1 piece garlic

4 potatoes

1 stock cube


Peel and chop onion, chop garlic, peel and cube potatoes, fry together gently in a small amount of oil until starting to soften, add tomatoes, beans, stock and corned beef, cook for a while further until all potato is soft.


serve with crusty bread - yummy :)

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excellent thats how we make corned beef hash!


heres one we use and its a belter



1lb sausages (you don't need to use really really good quality ones, but don't use cheap crappy ones either!)



tin baked beans

tin chopped tomatoes

dried sage

hp sauce

seasoning to taste (no salt!)



slice the onions and mushrooms


on a low heat brown the sausages with the sage, once they are brown remove them from the pan


in the fat fry the onions and mushrooms until they have good colour, return the sausages and heat them through


add the tomatoes and beans and a good slug of hp sauce


gently bubble it through for about 45 minutes


serve with mash

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pepperonata is a sort of thick pepper sauce/stew our little one loves it. heres the recipe



equal amounts of red and yellow peppers (don't use green they lose their colour and go a bit slimy)

1 large onion

1/3rd of a standard chilli pepper

3/4s pint of chicken/veggie stock




olive oil


sea salt



finely chop the onion, rosemary and garlic


deseed the chilli pepper and very finely chop


slice the peppers into even strips


heat some olive oil (about a tablespoon) gently in a pan and add the onion, sweat the onion until it releases its juices


add the garlic, rosemary and saffron, season and continue to cook gently for a minute


add the peppers and stir well coating the peppers in the onion mix


add the chilli and the stock


at this point give it a taste, it won't taste of too much but you'll get the idea


bubble for at least an hour, uncovered and reduce the stock away. once you're left with a sort of thick chunky sauce stew, turn off the heat and leave it for at least an hour before you serve it.


its actually even better if you leave it overnight


this is also superb with fish! enjoy it

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